Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bizzy week

Its amazing how quickly time goes by. I know its something that I say all the time but it is so true. I took a look at my little guy (Jack) this week and I just cant believe how big he is getting. You force yourself to take a pause and look around and see all of them some times. Jimmy has these long, skinny legs and he's just shooting right up in height as he starts towards age 9. He is non stop action and loves to be outside. The basketball hoop took a spill this week during a bad windstorm so he took back to the street hockey net. I had to rush Umple Eddie over here today so we could bang that damn basketball stand up again because the running around playing hockey was just about killing me. And another thing, Jimmy has been putting on his pads and chest protector and playing goalie while I shoot on him. Its frustrating when I get stuffed by my eight year old son. Of course I'm proud because he's athletic and active but Dad's are supposed to let their kids beat them, not actually get beat.
Laura also been shooting up in height and that brings us to the inevitable problem of when she gets taller than Jimmy. You know its coming but he's not going to like it one bit when it does. She's a healthy gal and its becoming uncomfortably obvious that she's shooting right up on the stringbean charts. Is it wrong when we have no idea what the homework answers are supposed to be when they ask us to help them with it. I think I can think and figure laura's out but a couple of times lately Jimmy has had questiongs about his homework and I have no freaking idea. Google is a great thing. Back to Laura though, she's been hanging around with Lizzy alot lately and that makes her happy because she sees Jimmy with all these friends and she naturally gets jealous. We've decided that she is right and should be involved with more girls only activities instead of tomboy ones.
My little Tappin (Catherine) talks all the time about her upcoming entry into the kindergarten class in September. For now, she's in preschool and loving it. She has a friend named Andrew B whom she talks about constantly. In school she gets to do show and tell every Wednesday with items that start with a different letter. She looks forward to it every week and we have alot of fun with it. This upcoming week is the letter T, last week was spoons for the letter S. Most weeks we are better than that though, so for spoons was so precictable and unoriginal, we expect more. My little angel is so snuggly and sweet towards us. She is constantly telling us how she loves us. At night when I go into her bed to kiss her goodnight before I go to sleep, she always has a smile on her face...and this is while she's sleeping. Laura, on the other hand, will wake up while I tuck her in and start talking in her sleep.
And then there's Jack. This week, as in most weeks, we spend tons of time together during the day. Usually, we take a trip to see the Black train and that leads us to the Coffee shop where he has become somewhat of a celebrity. The owner of the coffee shop considers him her boyfriend. He shares the sentiment and its so funny to hear him talk about his girlfriend. I think one time there was another guy talking to his girl and he got a little jealous. Sometimes at home he just breaks out a scream, for no particular reason. I remember one time recently it set me into a moment of a flashback. That is by no stretch a confession, but I do remember doing certain things that my little terrorist does....hmmm
I had referred recently to the lack of photos lately. Its really uncomfortable not taking them. I have been good for about a thousand pics a month. Since January it hasnt been so. Its been good to get back in the game. I have two cameras, one is my good canon and the other is an old Kodak camera that is literally held together with duct tape. Its got some years on it but still works.

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