Saturday was the day Catherine has been looking forward to for quite some time. It was time for the birthday party at Chuckee Cheese for Andrew B. Its funny about their names because if there are two kids with the same first name they become Andrew A. or Andrew B. Andrew B is one of Catherine's good friends in pre school. She always talks about something crazy that Andrew B has done. Its cute. They had chose Saturday morning which I thought was a good idea because the crowds hadnt crashed the gate yet. She got a cup full of coins and headed off to play games. It really is a pretty neat place to just play games and not get gouged too too bad. My friend Tracy was also there with Frank, Frankie and little Jimmy.
There are tubes above your head where the kids travel through to ultimately end up through a slide. The tubes have a small window so parents can keep track of where the little ones are. At one point I was tracking her through the windows not sensing any sort of problem. Catherine eventually came down the tube slide and she was a bit upset. Apparently, she wasnt sure where she was up there and didnt see me to guide her out. She went right back at it only this time we made a game of it where she would look out the windows and i would guide her with a point of the finger and a thumbs up. so darn cute.
We ended up having us some pizza and meeting Chucky himself. Catherine went up and gave him a couple of hugs and also showed him her irish step moves and asked him to join in. Overall, she had a great time.
After the party we went to Target and got some gifts. I had promised Jim an Xbox game, Laura got a lucky 8 ball, jack another Thomas train and Catherine got another Hannah Montana trollup doll. All because i wanted to go and pick up a flashlight.
The very next day Momma was out and we were at the house and the walls were closing in on the buggahs so we decided that it was time for all of us to once again head out to go see chucky. It was a little tougher with all four of them. Thankfully, they were very well behaved and Jimmy would hold onto Jack's hand and the two girls stuck together. I didnt lose them once. The place was packed so I told them only for a half hour, we ended up there about two hours. Jack loved going through the tubes and thankfully Jimmy was right behind him most of the time. This was a long time coming because they have been asking me since last year to go to Chuckee cheese. Jack really enjoyed himself. At one point Jimmy was playing the basketball game and Jack was helping him. There was a big queen to the left of the game just leaning. Of course she wasnt going to be doing too much moving. Jack ended up throwing up a ball that came dangerously close to her. She was put out, the ball almost knocked her wig off. Only Jack.
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