Friday, October 30, 2009

Wax Museum

Just came back from such an awesome time at Jimmy's school. All the kids dress up as a character from the past and pretend to be wax museum figures. People go over and tap them on the head or shoulder and the kids repeat lines telling a little bit about who they are portraying. Jimmy was Neil Armstrong and he did a great job!! He spoke clearly, looked people in the eyes and didn't need notes to say his lines. What a great idea for the school. I loved it. There was a little kid who dressed up as Elvis. I went over and tapped his head. He talked about Elvis' history and his time in the military. When he spoke about him getting married to Priscilla he said 'thank you very much' Elvis tone. All of Jimmy's friends were all dressed up and were great. I didnt think you could take pictures so I left the camera at home.
Zach was Bobby Orr, Clayton was John Elway, Connor was JFK, Shea was Tom Brady and I forget the rest.
In the end Jimmy broke out of his wax pose and ran over and gave me a hug. He's getting so grown up but he's still my little boy.

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