Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jack is three

I blink and 13 days have gone by since my poor blog has seen a new entry, or so I have been told. Its good to have followers. Here are some updates on the little buggahs over the last 13 days.

All six of us went to see a double feature of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 at the cinema. To top it off it was in 3D. The glasses were huge and looked hilarious on Jackies face especially. All the kids loved wearing them. It was something new for them to wear. It was unreal how well Jack did. He stuck it out for the whole first movie but after the intermission, he was toast. But we take our little victories when we get them. We had warned the kids about the bathroom trips and kept them to a minimum. In the backpack we had loaded alot of sweets for the kids so they had plenty of sugar to go with their popcorn and drinks.
On the next day we ended up going out to Parkers Maple barn for an awesome breakfast. Aunt Jo had bid on a gift certificate that she given us and it was waiting for us to use it. Tons of food and we ate so much we didnt have to eat again for a long long time. Well, at least I didnt. That Jimmy has the biggest appetite of any kid i've ever seen. On the way home from the Barn we stopped in on the old Ponderosa. It was unbelievable how different it looked. Its been six years since we moved out and back into civilization. I miss the old farm. It was five acres of fun and I think I miss it, except for the long ride.
Jimmy has had fall baseball on saturdays in the rain and cold. I decided that I would take over and coach his baseball teams whenever given the chance because, of course, I always know better.....oo boy. Well, he has gotten so much better even since the summer season has ended. He decided that he wanted to take the year off from hockey. I cant say as I was dissapointed but I think he wants to go back and play next year.
Laura has been playing soccer and doing quite well at it too. She as usual says that she doesnt want to go but does have so much fun playing and hell, she's good too.
Catherine didnt quite last in her soccer. Jack has just been Jack. Full of life at 100 miles an hour. It was his third birthday last week and we took the whole gang to the hockey game that night for his birthday. He loved going to the hockey game and we were quite lucky to get seats two rows off the ice. This way, the play was right in front of us and it kept his attention, especially when they were fighting or hitting right there. He's been doing the goalie re-enacting thing all week. They have this Devil Dawg guy in a costume that goes around during the game. Jackie was a little afraid of him at first but later on in the game he was high fiving him.

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