Thursday, September 24, 2009

Healthy smiles

The kids are recovering well from their week of misery. It really wasnt too much misery for them because they were waited on pathetically. Especially that Jimmy who knows how to play the female members of the clan(You know who you are). He really was pretty sick there for a while as he was burning up and magnetized to the sofa. Jimmy is the type of kid who plays constantly outside. He wants to ride his bike to Charlies or play basketball. Alot of times baseball by himself or with me on the front lawn. Lately there has been alot of football catch also. Its funny how we have a pretty good size back yard and we end up on the front lawn all the time. go figure. Jimmy showed me around his classroom tonight at school. Its so cute how he takes so much ownership in the classroom and feels so comfortable there. Thats a good thing. Laura also showed me around her classroom and was so proud to show me different artwork around the room that she had done. The teacher told me how she absolutely loves how she is always smiling and happy, just like Jimmy was. For the second year in a row Laura has the same teacher that James had. Both kids have the same signal light inside their classroom. If a kid is bad they go to red light. Everyone starts in green light, then to yellow light and so on. What a scandal. Jimmy and Laura gossip about the kids that have had to go to red. While Laura and I were talking to her teacher, James put Laura's name on the red light. Ah the scandal.
Then they had a bake sale in the gymnasium with the worst tasting cookies ever. It was sawdust with nuggets. Oh the charitable side of me.
When we got home Catherine was upset because we hadnt done her homework. Tonight she did such a good job of copying A,B and C right across the lines. Laura was having a hard time spelling the word 'many' so I wrote it on a piece of paper and made a sight word for her on her wall. Catherine thought we were talking about putting a penny (rhymes with many) on her wall so she wanted a penny on her wall too. I told her i'd give her an 'and' on her wall so i made an 'and' sight word on her wall. As usual, she just gives this satisfying smile and sat and stared at it. She's awesome!!!
My little terrorist was asleep tonight when we got home from the open house at school. He has to tire himself all day because that kids just dont stop. He has gotten into this habit recently where he takes his three wheel bike and drives it full throttle into the garage door. He must have gotten sick of doing that because today he drove right into me, toppling the old man over. Lyn's birthday on Monday. Wondering what kind of appliance I can get her this year.

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