Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day out with Jackie

Its not often that we get a chance to go one on one with any of the little buggahs. Yesterday, all the other kids were in school and pre-school so Jackie and I went out exploring about town. We went out for some pancakes and then to the coffee shop. Of course we spent some time on Black Gordon and then took a trolley ride. There was some walking involved, then some more walking. At one point we were in a crosswalk looking to get across the street. Of course nobody was letting us go but we were waiting patiently. There was an elderly gent who pulled in right in front of us and then he started backing up. I yelled out to him to stop and he yelled back something too. THEN, he backed up again hitting me. Not that hard but enough for me to slam my palm down on his trunk and let him know he had to stop. Alongide me was minnie me yelling at the guy calling him BAD BOY. Oh the memories of my childhood with PopPop come crashing right back. Jackie talked about it the rest of the day telling everyone that Daddy got hit by a car by the bad boy.

Jack was pretending to be shy with one of the waitresses. The flirt---
And there was Big Bill again working his butt off. I took my eyes off of Jack for a minute and I thought I heard Bill asking him to pick up some of trash around the replica trolley. When Bill saw the camera came out everything changed. Note the empty bags and the phantom garbage he's picking up.
On the way back home we also ran into Doe working. Jack went and sat on his cement truck.

I'm babysitting Joey this morning. She doesnt stop, not for a second. I'm afraid to go pee.

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