Saturday, April 25, 2009

Years First picnic/Jimmy's B-day party

Jack Ring came over and shared our first picnic of the year, right on the front lawn. Charlie had come over and was playing baseball with Jimmy. There was pizza in the freezer so Lyn cooked it up and threw it on a towel with plates. It was pretty good pizza, especially for the frozen kind.

James had started the season in his new baseball league. I am managing the team again this year. Its a new level and he and Clay and Zach are together once again. If I may say so myself, we are good. Laura had her first game last week too. The second time up she got a hit. It was awesome. The weather was just freezing the whole game. Thankfully, they called the game one inning early. She does pretty good out there on the field. Its kind of tough on her because she's one of two girls on the team but she handles it okay.

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