Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Communion weekend

I really dont think there was a weekend. I did know when work ended on Friday that we had a lot of stuff to do this weekend but that seems like about fifteen minutes ago. From Jimmy's practice on Friday, then his first game on Saturday-then his first communion on Sunday. We were really worried about him eating the wafer because on the rehearsal he spit it out. I guess threatening his life worked.
Laura has been practicing non stop for her baseball team. She's getting better but we still need to work on the hitting.
Catherine is still beaming from her birthday celebration weekend. I still cant believe how much fun she had.
Jack is still full of hell. We have to keep an eye on him at all times. Easter Sunday was the fortieth anniversary of the big pedestrian accident where I got hit so we had him on a short leash. Of course on that Saturday before he had run into the street at Aunt Florence's house. Oh the memories..hmmmph.

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