Saturday, April 25, 2009

Years First picnic/Jimmy's B-day party

Jack Ring came over and shared our first picnic of the year, right on the front lawn. Charlie had come over and was playing baseball with Jimmy. There was pizza in the freezer so Lyn cooked it up and threw it on a towel with plates. It was pretty good pizza, especially for the frozen kind.

James had started the season in his new baseball league. I am managing the team again this year. Its a new level and he and Clay and Zach are together once again. If I may say so myself, we are good. Laura had her first game last week too. The second time up she got a hit. It was awesome. The weather was just freezing the whole game. Thankfully, they called the game one inning early. She does pretty good out there on the field. Its kind of tough on her because she's one of two girls on the team but she handles it okay.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Communion weekend

I really dont think there was a weekend. I did know when work ended on Friday that we had a lot of stuff to do this weekend but that seems like about fifteen minutes ago. From Jimmy's practice on Friday, then his first game on Saturday-then his first communion on Sunday. We were really worried about him eating the wafer because on the rehearsal he spit it out. I guess threatening his life worked.
Laura has been practicing non stop for her baseball team. She's getting better but we still need to work on the hitting.
Catherine is still beaming from her birthday celebration weekend. I still cant believe how much fun she had.
Jack is still full of hell. We have to keep an eye on him at all times. Easter Sunday was the fortieth anniversary of the big pedestrian accident where I got hit so we had him on a short leash. Of course on that Saturday before he had run into the street at Aunt Florence's house. Oh the memories..hmmmph.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Catherine's Birthday

It was Catherine's birthday party night at the american girl doll cafe. Its so fun to see her so happy and the grin never leaves her face when she's this happy. Erin, Emily, Kara, Lyn, Laura and I headed out to the Cafe with Catherine to celebrate her 4th. We started by doing some shopping. Uncle Patrick had given us some moolah to pick Catherine up her birthday present from him. She immediately picked out a special outfit that came with a microphone and stage for her little girl doll Nellie. Right over to the salon where all the girls gave some new hairdo's to their dolls. Laura's doll, named Laura, had some complicated double braids done to her and Catherine's doll had some slinging hairdo done.
Catherine and Kara then disappeared for a little bit.........earrings!!!! I didnt dare go with her. She came back with the cutest little earrings and the biggest smile you could imagine. Kara said she just said eww, then it was done. They look awesome on her. I have got to be the biggest sap in the world. What started with a stern "no earrings until age 12" turned into Laura at age five and then Catherine at age 4. Sucker!!!!!

After all the shopping was taken care of we went to the cafe for some din din. The girls had to go to the bathroom about four or five times during the dinner because there were girl holders in the bathrooms. They were pretty huge bathrooms.

During the meal Catherine kept calling the waitress over pushing her to bring her food to her. At one point she said, in a cute tone "My food isnt here". Eventually, every ate till the stomach's were more than full. Most importantly, all the little girls had a blast and I dont remember one teardrop.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Aunt Jo helping me with the cooking

Jimmy and Catherine with their respective birthday cakes.

Saturday night the Easter Bunny came by in a whirl delivering gifts and Easter Eggs for all the good little boys and girls of the house. Jimmy made sure to leave some milk out and Laura and Catherine took care of the carrots with Jack leaving a couple of oreo cookies. Laura had drawn a nice picture for Mr. Bunny but was all upset about him not seeing it. Sure enough we got through to his wife who was over Timmy's house and Laura got to pass a message along. Catherine was very upset because she is somewhat afraid of the Easter Bunny and didnt want him coming into her room. She was the same way with Santa. It took a while but she was convinced all would be okay.
In the morning we got attacked in the bedroom by Jimmy and Laura who were so excited about the Easter gifts that they got. The other two made it up and joined the celebration. ...more to come.

Saturday, April 11, 2009