Its amazing how long is takes for ones bones to thaw....
It all started Thursday night
Lyn called me at work and told me that she thinks that we lost a big tree in the back yard, she cannot see it because the power went out. When I got home at around 1am or so I took a flashlight around the house to see if any trees were down....The sounds of trees bending, breaking and then falling seemed to be all around. I heard three trees fall from the time I got out of the car. When I looked closer I saw that it was the tops of trees snappping or limbs snapping. When I got into bed Jimmy was there, wide awake. He had heard a loud bang, probably a transformer blow and that was it for him.
That night I lay awake listening to the cracking and crashing sound. At that time of night it makes everything seem worse. I talked myself into going to sleep around 3:30am thinking that if it were going to happen it was going to happen. Realistically, the kids rooms were safe from trees so I went to sleep. Bang boom and here we go. The old oak tree by the back of the house sent a missile flying onto and through the roof of the back yard room. Poor Frankie was sleeping on his couch and some of the debris landed on him while he slept.

Friday was spent trying to talk to a human being at the insurance company and then trying to find something I can do with a tree sticking into a house. Luckily, the person who answered at the tree company was a lady with a family and as I let her kno
w that we were a family with four kids and a hole in the roof I got a return call very quickly. 
A couple hours later two huge huge huge trucks pulled onto the front lawn, one of them a crane. I was so disappointed that the kids werent there to see it. It seemed that we got a large crowd watching the festivities. The tree limb went quite a ways into the house. It was like a missile shooting in. At first I went into the crawl space of the roof and thought I would just cut the tree....yeah right. It was solid and heavy. I felt that I had owned a home for twenty years and not once have I ever made an insurance claim so I just let it go and leave it to someone else.

The kids ended up staying over aunt Jo's house for the last two nights.
Sunday, Laura and Catherine went to the Teddy Bear Tea in Boston. Lyn says that the girls had an awesome time. Kara tells me that she took pictures so I'm waiting on that.
Unfortunately, I had the bachelor pad all to myself the last couple of days. Probably would have been better if it wasnt FREEZING. oh what a wimp. One of the nights I got home from work and went to the new case of beer we inherited and I almost even drank one....too damn cold.
Tonight the kids are home and everything is back to normal and we are all happy for that.
It all started Thursday night
Lyn called me at work and told me that she thinks that we lost a big tree in the back yard, she cannot see it because the power went out. When I got home at around 1am or so I took a flashlight around the house to see if any trees were down....The sounds of trees bending, breaking and then falling seemed to be all around. I heard three trees fall from the time I got out of the car. When I looked closer I saw that it was the tops of trees snappping or limbs snapping. When I got into bed Jimmy was there, wide awake. He had heard a loud bang, probably a transformer blow and that was it for him.
That night I lay awake listening to the cracking and crashing sound. At that time of night it makes everything seem worse. I talked myself into going to sleep around 3:30am thinking that if it were going to happen it was going to happen. Realistically, the kids rooms were safe from trees so I went to sleep. Bang boom and here we go. The old oak tree by the back of the house sent a missile flying onto and through the roof of the back yard room. Poor Frankie was sleeping on his couch and some of the debris landed on him while he slept.
Friday was spent trying to talk to a human being at the insurance company and then trying to find something I can do with a tree sticking into a house. Luckily, the person who answered at the tree company was a lady with a family and as I let her kno
A couple hours later two huge huge huge trucks pulled onto the front lawn, one of them a crane. I was so disappointed that the kids werent there to see it. It seemed that we got a large crowd watching the festivities. The tree limb went quite a ways into the house. It was like a missile shooting in. At first I went into the crawl space of the roof and thought I would just cut the tree....yeah right. It was solid and heavy. I felt that I had owned a home for twenty years and not once have I ever made an insurance claim so I just let it go and leave it to someone else.
The kids ended up staying over aunt Jo's house for the last two nights.
Sunday, Laura and Catherine went to the Teddy Bear Tea in Boston. Lyn says that the girls had an awesome time. Kara tells me that she took pictures so I'm waiting on that.
Unfortunately, I had the bachelor pad all to myself the last couple of days. Probably would have been better if it wasnt FREEZING. oh what a wimp. One of the nights I got home from work and went to the new case of beer we inherited and I almost even drank one....too damn cold.
Tonight the kids are home and everything is back to normal and we are all happy for that.
My little Laura proves to me once again that she could keep a smile playing in a mud puddle. She has named the tree that ended up in the backyard as "Stickland" as she and Catherine play in it.
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