Thursday, December 04, 2008

Blue Skadoo we can too

Big night for Jim Jim as his Thanksgiving play was on TV tonight. He was so excited that he was now famous and came upstairs to watch it on the tellie with us. He sat on the floor for a little bit pointing to he and Charlie on the TV. Then he started singing along with all the songs. Ohhh boy, what a voice. After Laura was put into bed tonight she also started singing songs, much to Catherines dislike. I blame Marion for this because she encourages her by telling her what a great voice. Again...Ohhhhh......Love that they sing though. I hope nobody ever tells them the truth. I am just understanding what Mrs. Levasseur meant in 3rd grade when she told me to just move my lips while the rest of the class sang.
I finally got the computer back set up downstairs so the kids can play on webkinz and
Laura is getting so into her drawings. She is always with the markers, crayons and whatever she can draw with. Always with a sun in the corner of the picture. And the drawings are pretty darn good too.
Catherine asked me today if she can call me Pops from now on. Jack loved it and was calling me pops for a while. He prefers to be called Tony. He still loves watching "tommy" the train in the back-yard room. Catherine wont watch it with him anymore because she says its for babies and she's a big girl. They settle for Blues Clues...gotta find another pawprint....She decided to play Blues Clues in the house last week, they drew a pawprint on some paper, used the scissors and tape and placed clues all around the house. I am still finding them in different places in the house...Jack tipped over a pepsi and a coffee he's getting better. I found him on the kitchen counter turning on the sink.....How the HELL did he get up there!!!!...I swear, its not really that easy to get up there. He either got a boost or he climbed up the handles of the drawers. Yes my angelic sisters-I know what you are saying right now!!!!!
I just looked back at the Santa Claus picture and it made me remember two years ago with Santa. Laura was always afraid of Santa but that year she kept it in....well, Santa agreed to put Catherine on his lap (SCREAMING) while Laura sat on the arm of the chair. What we didnt know at the time was that she had just pee'd her pants. As I was picking her off the chair I noticed the velvet arm was soaked and then the puddle on the ground in front of Santa. Ahhhh...Christmas memories.......

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