Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day

Jimmy and Laura, always fans of the the stage, put on a show for all of us. Jimmy did a "Dancing with the Stars" show and Laura did a Tinker Bell exhibition. Jack was a paying customer and showed his appreciation. Catherine did her part in interrupting the proceedings.
The food was great, as always, and I gained five pounds on the day.

Try this link

HOCKEY GAME***********************

James and I took in the hockey game the night before Thanksgiving. The seats were pretty empty so we got front row seats. At the end of first period I was sitting two rows behind him next to Thresa and Bill (who have season tix) and Jimmy was in the front row behind the glass. A puck comes flying way above the glass, hits the net above and..........of course falls down to the front row and hits Jimmy right in the face.

The Devils lost the game 3-0 and Jimmy is still in one piece

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daddy taught them his dance moves !!