Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The little sneak

I was cleaning out my car today when I came across this piece of paper. It was from last year when Jimmy was in Kindergarten. Even though he took the bus to and from school, he sometimes liked to have mommy or daddy come pick him up from school so he could stand outside school and wave to the other kids to show them how cool he was.

One morning last year, Jimmy asked me if he could be a pickup (he asked most days). If he were to be a pick up we would have to write a note to the teacher saying as much. Well, after i told him no, he went into the back room for what I thought was maybe a quick game of XBOX before school bus time. As we were leaving to walk to the bus stop, I checked inside his school bag to make sure he had all his supplies and such. I pulled out this piece of paper and almost pee'd myself laughing.

Translated it says "Maybe I am a Pickup today".
He intended on giving this to the teacher. He is already forging.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day

Jimmy and Laura, always fans of the the stage, put on a show for all of us. Jimmy did a "Dancing with the Stars" show and Laura did a Tinker Bell exhibition. Jack was a paying customer and showed his appreciation. Catherine did her part in interrupting the proceedings.
The food was great, as always, and I gained five pounds on the day.

Try this link http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=9568227798

HOCKEY GAME***********************

James and I took in the hockey game the night before Thanksgiving. The seats were pretty empty so we got front row seats. At the end of first period I was sitting two rows behind him next to Thresa and Bill (who have season tix) and Jimmy was in the front row behind the glass. A puck comes flying way above the glass, hits the net above and..........of course falls down to the front row and hits Jimmy right in the face.

The Devils lost the game 3-0 and Jimmy is still in one piece

Lost in Translation

Getting ready for work I hear the pitter pattering of little feet coming towards me in a tizzy. Catherine appears before me and here is how it went:

Catherine: "Laura hitted me"
Me: "Ok honey, tell her you love her and you two get along...ok?"
Catherine: " Ok Daddy"

She exits, pitter patters to the living room and then I hear....

Catherine: (yelling) "Lauuuura, Daddy say you BAD girl, you go time out!!!!"

I think she'll go work for the Bush Administration now.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Week

Well, I made it into the local newspaper with the most god awful picture of me that has ever been shown or known. Oh well, the kids liked it. I was on the way to school the other night and the radio station I was listening to was giving away free tickets to the Wednesday night hockey game. James and I shall be going tonight. I remember when this was the biggest drinking night of the year.
Laura was telling everyone that Santa Claus was coming after she saw the snow the other day. She went to get some cookies and leave them out for the old chubby guy. I told her it couldnt be Christmas yet because the credit cards arent maxed out yet!! (but they are close)
Yesterday morning, Catherine was sleeping next to me and began screaming that Jimmy was pushing her. She yelled "Jimmy pushed me". I yelled back to her "Push him back". She must have came to, she just started laughing and laughing.
Jack called 911 yesterday. I assured the piggies that all was well. Jimmy did this twice. Jack loves the phone and is constantly yanking it out of the wall.
The pictures came back and Catherine loves the group picture, the only one she would take. She looks likes she is angry and constipated. Nevertheless, she shows everyone the picture. Jimmy's school picture came back awesome as well as Laura's solo shot. Jackie wouldnt sit for his 1 year photo. What am I gonna do with these kids.
If I pass the test one week from Saturday call me Doctor!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Green stripe on Yellow belt

James has earned a new belt in Tae Kwon Do. He did a little bit of sparring too. What I love the most about watching him here is the smile rarely leaves his face. Clayton and William were also going for belt upgrades. I got to hold the piece of wood for William to smash.
Mommy, Aunt Jo, Nana and Doe all came to enjoy the festivities. The celebration was at Friendly's where Catherine ate all my clam chowder and made quick work of her ice cream cone.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Their world today

James He is still keeping the baseball game alive. He takes a roster of all players that will be playing in his game in April. He saw Patrick keeping the scorebook at one of David's games so now Jimmy likes to set up a roster and where everyone will be playing. He asks everyong what position they want to play. Just about every morning before he goes to school we take the wiffle ball out onto the street and play catch. He pretends that we are turning double plays or that he is pitching and has to cover first. He was kind of mad when some leaves covered first base (sewer drain). The cap in the middle of the street is second base.
The Bruins have started though and last night he was up late sneaking peeks into the action.
Laura: Laura is still talking about our plans to go back to NYC next year. She has invited a bunch of girls from school to come with us as well as Erin and Emily and Catherine. She sees Jimmy doing his homework all the time so she has been practicing her letters and copying words that Daddy and Mommy write down for her. She is in Irish Step on Monday nights and she likes it alot. She also does dance on Tuesdays. She is getting taller and thankfully her hair is growing longer. She was getting a little jealous of Emily because of Emily's long hair. Laura has dads curly hair.
Catherine: Still a terror but a cute one. Her recent amusement was to stuff the bathroom sink with toilet paper and we know where the water went. She has been sleeping later thankfully but still manages to come into the bed in the morning. Last night she kept coming out of her bed until I told her that Biddy Baby misses her when she leaves her in the bed. It actually worked. either that or she wanted me to believe it worked. Laura still has some ear issues. I'm surprised the neighbors havent called DSS yet. There is quite a scene when the ear drops go in. She's got a good heart. She always wants to do something for you. If I were a beer guzzler, she would be the one i'd yell to to get me a beer out of the fridge.
Jack: Jack is still smiling away. He's not walking yet. I love it when I come home at night and he is flying across the room on his hands and knees. He screams out. The other day he was on my lap while I yelled for Jimmy to do something. Jack repeated after me but with just a loud yell as if he was saying the same thing to Jimmy. He smiles so much reminding me of how Jimmy was at that age. He's learning the itsy bitsy spider and loves playing games, clapping hands and giving me five. Poor buggah is having some teething problems but mommy's magic potion works wonders.

We got professional pictures taken last week. I wasnt able to attend the shoot (whew) but I heard they went well (not really). I dont think there was a group photo. The lady at the studio felt bad for Lyn so I think we got some free.

Monday, November 05, 2007

First Hockey Game Ever !!

James started his hockey career on Sunday after about 2 years of skating practices. He doesnt skate that fast but he has a lot of fun. I watched him from across the ice and he was gliding around pretty good... for him. All of a sudden I see his number 14 lurking about five feet from the crease, the puck gets shot towards him, he swats at it.....Gooooooal!! He scored his first ever goal in his first ever game. So I wouldnt be an obnoxious parent I had to keep it all in, but oh my god. I yelled out to Lyn (keeping my voice down) "he scored, he scored". We were around other parents or I would have danced. His team ended up winning 7-1.