Okay i've returned to the world of blogging. Anyway, here comes a new baby into the world, Number four in five and a half years. How life changes so quickly. I feel so damn old at times. Yesterday, my Laura went to a Teddy-Bear tea party in Boston. Times like these are happy days, the reason why you have the kids in the first place. She was so happy to be going, and still high as a Kite last night at 10pm when she wouldnt go to sleep. What the hell else is there in life. They are my reasons for living and what a good reason at that. Some little dirt crawlers were trying to tell Jimmy (5yrs old) that there was no Santa Claus. I believed very long into my childhood and hope to keep him in the same way. My Catherine is now 18 months old. I taught her how to do the "old John Broddilin" dance by the wiggles. She's not all there. She slaps her thighs and goes with a rum tum tattlin, old John Braddlin, hey what funny folk we be.....She is an entertainer for sure.
I've included the Halloween Picture. I dont know what the neighbors thought, but then again it really wouldnt matter either way.
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