Friday, December 22, 2006

Is anybody out there healthy???

finals time has come and now its gone. Every one of us have been in and out of sickness for the last three weeks. I think I just might home school the little buggahs but I'd hate to see what the curriculum would be, probably recess all day long. Ever wake up in the morning with the little one standing about 5 inches from your face just staring at you?? Happened to me again yesterday. I wonder how long Catherine was standing there. I made the mistake of opening my eyes at 5am and the barrage of a 19 months verbal tirade began. She wasnt mad, just non stop blabber.
Jimmy and I have been going to the Coffee shop the last couple of weeks. We have our coffee parties as opposed to the girls tea parties. Mostly we sit around for a while, him drinking a forbidden Sprite and me with my decaf coffee. We played checkers the last time. He starts yelling when he jumps my man. Little stinker I say.
Christmas is coming and once again we have everyone coming over for Christmas Eve. I am getting ready for my after holiday diet. My new years resolution is to get in shape. Got to have something for the chickies to look at.

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