Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Santa Showed up

I was spent by the time the morning rolled around. Normally, I wake up first and run into the kids room waking them up. This morning Jimmy was in the hallway outside of my bedroom as if he didnt know what might be in the back room. As always it was cute as hell to see the little legs scurrying under the Christmas Tree. I had to go to work after all the chaos. lucky me.
Christmas went awesome. Laura and Catherine had been sick most of the week, pathetically sick I must add, but the spring in their legs came back to life when Santa showed up. Jimmy ripped his gifts apart as soon as he greeted them, Laura was a little more methodical and Catherine likes to adore the gifts after I open them for her. There were so many gifts I almost feel bad. Jimmy got his X-Box 360, Laura got her GameGirl, Catherine got anything and everything with Barney and Dora. We didnt forget litte Jack, he just smiled most of the time like he was up to something. Laura had remembered to ask Santa Claus to get me some socks, Isnt she sweet. I got them.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Is anybody out there healthy???

finals time has come and now its gone. Every one of us have been in and out of sickness for the last three weeks. I think I just might home school the little buggahs but I'd hate to see what the curriculum would be, probably recess all day long. Ever wake up in the morning with the little one standing about 5 inches from your face just staring at you?? Happened to me again yesterday. I wonder how long Catherine was standing there. I made the mistake of opening my eyes at 5am and the barrage of a 19 months verbal tirade began. She wasnt mad, just non stop blabber.
Jimmy and I have been going to the Coffee shop the last couple of weeks. We have our coffee parties as opposed to the girls tea parties. Mostly we sit around for a while, him drinking a forbidden Sprite and me with my decaf coffee. We played checkers the last time. He starts yelling when he jumps my man. Little stinker I say.
Christmas is coming and once again we have everyone coming over for Christmas Eve. I am getting ready for my after holiday diet. My new years resolution is to get in shape. Got to have something for the chickies to look at.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Next Edition is in

Okay i've returned to the world of blogging. Anyway, here comes a new baby into the world, Number four in five and a half years. How life changes so quickly. I feel so damn old at times. Yesterday, my Laura went to a Teddy-Bear tea party in Boston. Times like these are happy days, the reason why you have the kids in the first place. She was so happy to be going, and still high as a Kite last night at 10pm when she wouldnt go to sleep. What the hell else is there in life. They are my reasons for living and what a good reason at that. Some little dirt crawlers were trying to tell Jimmy (5yrs old) that there was no Santa Claus. I believed very long into my childhood and hope to keep him in the same way. My Catherine is now 18 months old. I taught her how to do the "old John Broddilin" dance by the wiggles. She's not all there. She slaps her thighs and goes with a rum tum tattlin, old John Braddlin, hey what funny folk we be.....She is an entertainer for sure.
I've included the Halloween Picture. I dont know what the neighbors thought, but then again it really wouldnt matter either way.