Sunday, March 15, 2020

Where did they go??

Okay, not a good way to start the year with skimping on the blog....yes, i know.  Life gets a little busy and my firewall at work doesnt allow me to edit the blog so i'm kind of stuck on pause.  Anyway, whats been going on in this household the last three months??  Well, Jimmy is at college and now he's home avoiding the corona virus.......The best thing is that he and Jackie have been hanging out, especially yesterday when they both went to play basketball and I guess Jackie was starring with his three point shots after being given some shooting pointers from Jimmy and Charlie...Word is their three on three team went 5-0.  They were both home today and after complaining about being sore, they helped me with some yard work....Oh, there was some major complaining but they helped dear old dad....i needed the help!!!
So Laura has just has been out of this world with her swimming.  She went to a meet in Florida with swimmers from all over the country that go to qualify for the Olympic qualifiers.  so she was swimming with Olympians....not only swimming with them, she was competing.  I had gone to a funeral for Big Bill's mom and after the funeral we went for a meal gathering.  While i was sitting down eating, i recieved word on my cell phone that Laura had made the finals.  Needless to say this somber event was interrupted by my yelling "ARE YOU KIDDING ME".....Of course everyone was concerned as to what was wrong and i was just stunned, in a happy way.  Just to be there is an  honor but to make the finals in such a meet is quite the accomplishment......So while she was there she jumped into a warm up lane with Ryan Lochte and Caleb Dressel...of course she did!! She also got a picture with Dressel.  She was quite star struck......sooo, thats all well and good, but a couple of weeks later Laura and I were at the New England Age group championships and the little stinker continued on her winning ways and she qualified for the Futures meet in Columbus Ohio in August.  This Futures meet is apparently her biggest meet attained up to now. 
My little Catherine has been healing with her back injury and she is looking forward so much to the track season.  She says that she cant stand not being involved with a sport because she gets bored.  She's always been so busy with gymnastics and swimming so it's good to see that the track season is around the corner.  Jackie boy has been involved with his soccer team on Sundays and two nights a week he's been practicing for the baseball season.  They have an indoor practice where the kids practice pitching, hitting and fielding.  He's really committed to it and likes to play baseball.   I will tray, i swear to keep up with this blog....i swear!!

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