Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018

Dad and the lad (Alfred E Newman)
and do we talk about my third son Cooper....hmmm..Well...we went out and trick or treated
and I went up to the doors with the, I love candy...hell, who doesnt??  Anyway, there were more than one door i went to and told just a little fib..(Especiallly when they had full sized bars)....I told them that the bag I was carrying was for my son Cooper who was home sick..You might think differently but i have no regrets..heheheheeee


I love the tradition of having Quinnie come with us.....They got big so fast and these years have gone by so fast....I can remember all of it and its so neat how we soaked it all in and knew when it was happening how special it is.  All four of them still have so much fun and smile so often....Its fun to take the ride with them. 

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