Monday, September 24, 2018

Annual Red Sox trip with Jim

And yet another yearly tradition.  This is one of those great traditions we both look forward to.  I know i'm sappy but i do think back at all those times we've been here together and the fun times we've had.  This time he got out of football practice and I got out of work and we met at home and took his little Red Boogah to the old cathedral.  We got our special parking spot too.  He's gone a couple of times this year with his friends and has had good luck with wins....This game is a game for the ages because the win last night was the record for most wins ever for a Red Sox team.

During the game we went under the stands and Jimmy tossed a ball to see how fast he could toss it....He sounded a little like dear old Dad when he was grabbing his shoulder after firing the ball.  I know that feeling for sure!!!

Jimmy likes going to the bleacher seats.  The last couple of years this has been our thing.  Usually, we get seats in the loge section or lower grandstand but one year we ended up in the bleachers for some reason and he said he liked it because he can see the whole field better.  This year I went on Stub Hub and checked the seats and got the third row center field.  We had a pleasant surprise when we got there and found out that the third row was actually the first row with the handicap area in front of us.  They were great seats!!  It was cold..  Even Jimmy got a little cold and thats saying something. that reminds of the great traditions of going to the games started with Jimmy and has gone on to the other buggahs is to get ice cream in the fifth inning.  It has been a staple of the trip but today, i thought it would be in jeopardy because it was so cold....It was cold!!!  But remembering who I was there with, it was no surprise that there we were in the Ice Cream line......He told me that eating the ice cream made him a little warmer....

Overall, it was a great night with my little cowboy.  Yeah, he isnt so little anymore but i'm so glad he still wants to go places with me.  I really enjoy it!!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Guess where we went today ??

If you bring a football and a tennis ball they will come.  We decided that we would go to the Earl in the morning.  Jimmy came and joined us as did Mommy.  Laura had already eaten and enjoyed the alone time at home I think.

Hey, could you believe that they painted the windows of Old Black Gordon red???  I have to get used to it I suppose.  So we were there and played some catch with the football and tennis ball.

So if you look under the trolley you will see our tennis ball.  Jackie almost went under the trolley to get it but I told him not to.  So we went on the trolley ride once again.  Its a fun time for sure.

I have to say, these kids are so fun to hang out with.  Thankfully they dont mind coming down here at all.  As i get older I enjoy these simpler things like sitting on a trollley that does the same route we have done probably a hundred times and the conductor says the same thing about the trolley that we could probably tell him.  Yes, the trolley was reclaimed from a junk yard in New Orleans and has been restored, and if we want to go see the Trolley museum in Kennebunkport we will see many more trolleys of all condition.....and on it goes.  In such a good way though.  The kids are always well behaved.  They seem to really enjoy it. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Weekend away

A very nice weekend away with all the girls!!  Its so nice to just get away and relax, even if it is just for a day and a half.  I ended up working Saturday during the day and we headed out after I got out of work around 4 pm.  But the weather was so nice.  On sunday we went to this nice Bagel place  for breakfast and then we headed back to the beach for a couple of hours, but we made the most of the lake time.  We took the Kayaks out and we all went for a kayak trip to a rock island so the girls could go jumping off the rocks.  It was really nice.  After a little while on the beach, away we went to head home, but not before making a trip to Wolfeborough with all the snotty snobs and just overall rude folks.  It is a sense of amusement to watch the entitled go about their daily business.  We got some creeps again and they were ew ew good...but I digress....This time we were in the bakery, in line, and Biff and Darrel came flying by us to the front of the line...Don't we know who they are!!!  I love it.....

Anyway, I took a picture of the house and showed it to the girls and one of them said "yeah it looks like the other three hundred pictures you've taken of the house".  Oh well,I cant help it...I like the place like it was human, especially with the little creatures that occupy it sometime.....


     The Old Country store is a regular stop.  Its a special treat for the kids to go in an grab some penny (ya right...penny) candy and some other special gifts.  Whenever the umple comes up he makes sure to stop in and grab something doesnt matter what it is, be buys something!!  This weekend he had to work both days real early and work all day so he couldnt come up. 

Sunday, September 09, 2018

The soccer season has begun

The Soccer season has begun!!  The player is so passionate about the game...any game.  He loves the competition and goes all out in his sport.  Today, Cat and I joined Auntie Jo on the sidelines cheering on our little Jackie.  We made a big mistake that we usually dont make....sitting with the other parents.  Usually, you can find us sitting away from the action and the cheering sections...and away from the sideline coaches...if ya know what I mean.  We were up the far end the first half.  This way we could watch the goalie and get a close up view and see all the action and facial expressions, comments the team switches sides at the half so we went to the  near side so we can get the same comedy show.....well, thats where the sideline action was.  We found ourselves a new friend who was kind enough to coach the little ones that were on the field the whole time........Now, lets just say that I know as much about soccer as I do about a healthy green diet...but I dont think the 11U soccer league is life or death...... Let me say this..its so fun to watch him compete.  Here he is in know why he loves being the goalie??  Because he gets to boss everyone around in front of him!!  He's really good at it too.  I know its not a comedy act but I could just sit and watch him all day and laugh.  Take a step back and compare this to all the others and I could say the same about the other three.  I love to watch them at their sports.  They all smile and laugh through all of it, having so much fun......whether in organized sports or otherwise.
I almost forgot to mention that jack's team won 3-1.  That one goal was a hot shot to his left where he stretched out and just missed it.  There were a couple of saves he made that were very good but in particular was a hot shot right at him.  He crossed his arms and made a great save.  I asked him about it later and he told me that it wasnt exactly a save it was protecting himself from getting his face bashed in.
We went over Patrick's to watch the Patriots on Sunday and while the bigger people were outside watching game on the outside TV, Jackie and the gals were downstairs playing pool.  During his break he came outside and made sure that we played some whiffleball and he informed me that I had to play some pool before we left.  Okay, so we did both.......Before we left I made sure to go down to play some pool with a game of Jackie and I against Quinnie and Cat.  It was fun.  I hit a couple of shots so they thought i was a pool shark.

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Swimming on the Kancamagus

We once again spent some time cruising the Kancamagus to head over to Lincoln and the Candy store.  Its a really cool place that has waterfalls, though not too big, and swimming areas in the rocks.  Catherine let us know how cold it was.  Jackie, being Jackie, once again doth protest about going but ended up having the most fun of all.

     I love riding this highway.  Although we are not a camping family, it seems like it is so off grid and full of nature....Its New Hampshire for sure.  Cat and Jack had so much fun jumping in the water...I mean the cold water!!  Jackie didnt seem to mind it but Cat wasnt a big fan at all.  I must say it didnt deter her that much though.  They are fun kids!!!

     The candy place was another great find.  We went to lunch first at some Italian food place.  We just ended up with Pizza and fries so nothing crazy.  Off to the candy store which has walls filled with different types of candy, all for about 3.50 a pound.  I filled my bag too....still got plenty too.  I prefer the almonds dipped in chocolate.