Monday, December 31, 2018

Trip to Lake for New Years

It was a trip to the lake for the New Yeasts celebration.....The first day or so was just me and Jackie and Catherine with Erin.  Emily, Laura and mommy came to join us up until January 2nd.  Boy was it busy and fun.  The kids loved skiing at Gunstock two of the days.  Jackie was just learning how to snowboard so he took two days of lessons and the instructor told me that he took right to it.  He said that he doesnt need any more lessons unless he wants expert level lessons.  I think thats pretty darn good.
For the second year in a row we went to NeeNee's house for a party.  Of course we were fast asleep by the time the ball dropped (at least i was).  And once again we played bingo.  I am the caller of the numbers because i have the most experience going to the Bingo Parlors with Grammy.  Of course the winner was given a dollar each game, which came straight out of my wallet.....I'm gonna have to start charging admission.

They let me have a fire the first night which is like heaven to me.....

and one day we went to the largest arcade in the world (or so they claim)...but inside the arcade is a bowling alley.  I was very impressed at how well they all were bowling.  There was Erin, Jack and Catherine bowling with me and they all gave me a run for my money.  Oh no, they didnt win...ya know, they poke the bear and pay for it.

and then we went to the arcade portion of the building and thats when I lost them.....but skeeball is the most fun game of fun for generations!!!

One night the four of us went out to the local pub restaurant where there was a rumor there would be Karaoke.  Unfortunately, it was just a rumor.....but we got some delicious grub nonetheless.....They were really fun and had plenty of laughs.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Tough critics 

I came home from work one night and poor little Catherine wasnt feeling well at all.  I looked to give her some liquid Mucinex and saw that the critics have added some of their own reviews.

 After a little, but not much, interrogation we found the one would expect, it was Jackie!!!  but I must add, he has pretty good handwriting for a boy.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

More Sports

On Saturday we were off to the Reggie Lewis Center for Jimmy's track meet.  He competed in the 300 meter race and was super fast.  He went by us in a flash.  Apparently, there is a parents section for us to sit.  We were in the students section with Jimmy and his friends.  He didn't seem to mind and only mentioned it when we were leaving and mom asked where the other parents were located.

On Sunday I got to go to Brown University to see Laura competing against the college kids in the Senior meet.  She did really good.  We got to go to this Mexican restaurant afterwards.  We got home in time for Jack and I to make it over the Umps house for the  Patriots game.  Jack is so fun to bring over to the Umps on game day.  He makes himself right at home and loves to be one of the guys...We really have a blast.  The ump loves to banter back and forth with jackie and answer his questions about football

Of course Laura had to take this selfie....Its a shame to be so incompetent in such and easy task.

Its so much fun to go and see them compete in these sports.  I get to sit back and just soak it all in and see them do so well.  Hey, if they dont win they know how to chill out and just move on.  Its really not a big deal at all.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Christmas at Black Gordon

Oh you old steam engine!!  I lose my breathe a little when I see such a beautiful picture of my old Friend Black Gordon.  I know i've said it before but we have come here so so many times over the years and consider this train as part of our family.  I drive by it every single day on my way to work and I have even caught myself saying hello to it when no one is around.  Hello Black Gordon!!  Ever since Jimmy was a little guy we used to make some time of it and he would love to climb up on the train and we would spend hours doing so.  Grammy used to find us there all the time.  From that point the others grew up and we'd spend some time at the coffee shop around the corner and then to the trolley that we lovingly called the train that doesnt move.  Yes a quick search of the blog will show you how much time we have spent here.  In recent years we have included playing catch with a football and playing wall ball also.  I have caught myself just staring at this majestic train and thinking about all the great times we have had here.......and the best times here we did nothing!!  yes, nothing.....Well, we showed up, made our own fun and spent some fun and great times together.  Up until last week we still spend some time here.  Oh Black Gordon we have got our money's worth out of you....I love this train!!!

Monday, December 03, 2018

Monday, November 26, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

Once again the whole clan made the annual pilgrimage over to Aunt Jo's for her awesome feast.  Boy was it a feast.  Aunt Jo takes the whole week off and fires up enough grub to feed a couple armies....She's even nice enough to make some concoction that the others think is cranberry sauce...Ooo they are so foolish.  Listen, only authentic ridges on my cranberry sauce...

Here they all are stuffed inside the hallway...not a frown in the group....It was a great time...I'm very thankful for all of them...Jimmy has the eyeblack from football.....which he and his team were victorious!!!  It was sooooo cold there.
Jimmy is Number 83