Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Fenway with James

     James and I have been taking this Fenway trip many, many times over the years.  He asked me a couple weeks ago if we could go, so on to Stub Hub we go and off we went.  They didn't win but it really doesn't matter much.  Great time.
     We didnt get an early start so I thought we would pay for it.  The traffic was a little heavy but was doable.  Once we got to Lechmere I found the parking lot that i've parked in for over thirty years was gone.  I was lucky to find on street parking but i spent the whole game wondering if i'd be towed.  Oh well, i'll just adapt i suppose.
     It was a very good experience both ways on the Green Line and we arrived on time for the game.  Of course Jimmy loaded up on some food and......dont worry the middle of the sixth inning there were helmets of ice cream for both of us.
 Here is the view from our seats.

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