Saturday, July 29, 2017

Summer fun

We had one heck of a summer vacation.  The first one we've spent with our own house at the lake.  For the first part of it we had two little angels come visit us from Ohio.  They had a great time with their cousins.  The older kids loved Mia and Lillie so much and hated to see them go.
Here we are tossing up the chinese paper lanterns.  You light a fire underneath and away it goes like a hot air balloon.  They go sky high into the atmosphere and i worried if they would land somewhere and light the island on fire...Kara assured me that it would not happen that way so i have to believe her.

Laura had her friend Alice come up for a few nights.  I cant say enough good things about her.  Just such a nice, friendly kid who blended in easily with everyone.

Lilly is so cute

Lilly and Jack....
Jack was such a star hanging around with these girls.  Such a big boy now.  I was so proud of him how he took care of the girls and spoiled them rotten.  When the kids went to StoryLand Amelia had to hold his hand the whole time so he told me.  He loved helping to take care of them.  Out of everyone he hated to see them go the most..and thats saying something.
Laura, Emily and Alice

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Ohio visitors

Ohio gals visiting

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Mr. Ring and his student

Here he is, Laura's mentor and friend Mr. Ring!!  It is common to find her listening intently to his words of wisdom.  Mr Ring held national records for his biking and was an Olympic alternate.  He has so much knowledge to share with Laura and he loves the passion that she has for her competition.
     Jack came over with Laura to show Mr Ring the medals.  Mr. Ring called Jack "coach".  We are very lucky to have him.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


     Jackie and I got to go to the US vs. Japan baseball game last nght.  Aunt Jo brought him to a baseball  clinic during the day hosted by the US and Japanese team.  I'm laughing thinking about the conversations he must have had with the Japanese players.  He told me emphatically that none of them spoke English and he couldn't understand what the translator was saying.  He was upset that he couldnt get an autograph from any of the players on either side because he had nothing to write on.  We made sure we brought a baseball to the night game and he went down to the bullpen and got an autograph from one of the Japanes pitchers.  He proudly brought it up to me.  I asked him what the guys names was and he just looked at it and smiled saying 'i dont know'.  So cute.  He also told me that he said Kaneecheewa to them.  He thinks that is saying hello to them in Japanese.  I sure hope so!!
Overall it was very fun and there was some very good baseball being played between the two teams.  We also ran into cousin Al and his son Brandon.  We dont get to see them that often but when we do there is always alot of laughter and mischief.

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Bay State Games at Harvard

Laura is still in recovery from her shoulder injury and this was her first major tourney on her route to recovery.  You wouldn't have known it from her results.  She ended up with a Gold, Silver and Bronze
medal.  Saturday meant getting there at 7am and going home at 830pm and Sunday we got the same start but got home around 7....though we went to dinner at the Shake Shack in Harvard Square before we went home.

Cat came with us on Sunday.....Her and I played some
whiffleball at the football stadium...i was waiting to get thrown out but it never happened.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Road Racing on the Fourth

We usually do a road race on the fourth, only this time it was up north at the lake.  Laura and Erin took the race off because they had the Bay State games to prepare for but the rest of us were ready to go.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Laken it for the fourth

My little angel wanted me to take pictures of her on the dock.    Her moves are incredible
 Our annual Fourth of July picture with Laura and the fireworks in the background.  This year we went to the lake and there is this guy who lights firworks off of his own private barge in the lake.  His show was as good as any, really entertaining for the kids.....and adults.
      Nana decided to take a ride on the paddle boats with Laura.  She did very well and thankfully didnt fall....Umple Eddie was up a couple of days earlier and couldnt say the same.  He lost his expensive  sunglasses in the lake, to never be seen again....poor ump
      Jimmy and Jake took over the garage and made it into their own little video gaming area.  I was told by both that i'll have to increase the power of the internet at the site...oh boy

      On the third they had an awesome setup of jumpy jumpies and competition courses that Cat and Erin took part in.  They had a dance at night too...I didnt get to bust the move with them because i was off with the other kids....