Monday, January 23, 2017

Laking it in the cold

     Spending the weekend up north again.  The kids were out on the lake walking around.  Of course, it scares the hell out of me to see them walking around out there.  I'd be the first one out there when i was younger but for the kids not so much freedom.......
Here is Jackie walking around the beach that in a couple of months we'll be frolicking around on.
     There is the cool man and his entrourage...

Jackie got a bag of Jenga for Christmas and he builds all these different forms of buildings.  This is the tallest one he built.  I helped him with this one.  The best part is tearing it down.
Here is my television screen.....Couldnt you just sit and stare at it all day long, listening to the crackling of the wood....yeah, i think i'm obsessed!!!
My little Catherine stayed behind because she had gymnastics.  She is always missed but she got to stay with Ant Jo.....A little jealousy from Jackie i think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like a place i stayed in new TV ever!