Thursday, December 15, 2016

When I close my eyes. they pop right open daddy.

There I sit on the recliner after I get all the kids to bed.  You just know that its not an easy task to do.  Just munching on the snacks that the kids didn't eat and Jack has to come out every couple of minutes with very important information to share with me.  He saddles up on the arm of the chair then after about ten minutes or so tell him to go brush and go to bed.  Not a problem as long as I tell him i'll be in soon to tuck him in.  Then poor Catherine comes out to see me tells me that no matter how hard she tries she cant fall asleep.  She comes out twice and the second time I told her there is no rush but to just close her eyes and she'll fall asleep.  Well, she tells me she's been doing that but as soon as she closes her eyes they pop right open on their own.  She's been adjusting to her new contraptions in her mouth and i dont think she's having an easy time of it with them.  So, I ask her if she thinks it will help if I go lay down with her.  Being the old bastard that I am, you know as soon as I day down I went out till the next morning.  Come to think of it, her bed is much more comfy than mine.....She is so cute though

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