Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Another Weekend in New England taking us away......

A complete New England experience was what we were looking for.  Here we are on a sleigh ride through the woods...The weather wasnt that bad and besides, we had hot chocolate and smores to keep us company.  It was a really fun time for all of them.

The kids all make fun of me because I could sit in front of the fire for hours at a time.  I clean the glass and say that i'm cleaning the TV screen.  Its so peaceful...quite possibly i'm getting at that age.

Even Fenway seems to love it up here....he just cant get enough ot all the snow...He wants to dive into it all the time.  Catherine likes to go up on the top of the man made mountains and create a slide.  But most of all her and Jack like to have snowball fights and use their daddy as the practice target.  Oh yeas, we've had more than one fight when the aim has been a little bit too good.

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