Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years at Santas Village

New Years at Santas village!!  Who would have thought you could have so much fun on rides in the freezing cold.  We lucked out because the temperature wasn't that bad all night, around 25 to 30 degrees and the rain and snow stopped about a half hour before we got there.
     This idea came about when Erin was over the house and said she had never been to Santas village, and neither had Emily.  Quinny got involved in the conversation and a game plan was created.  What a great time as all the kids were running around from ride to ride and  all the food booths were free with admission.  Of course all the food was fried so Quinny and Cat tossed it up later, but that's the cost of having so much fun.  
     We didn't know how the older girls would like it but they are so much fun we couldn't lose!!  Don't you just love that about them all....they all got to swim in the hotel pool after we got back and the staff was nice enough to keep the pool open for quite a while after closing time...
     Speaking about having fun, Jimmy was spoiled and treated like a king over Ant Jo's house while we were away....this picture is a view from the mono rail...a very nice view from high up....
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We had a great companion on the monorail...I got to ride on the Antique car with Jackie, he made sure i sat in the back seat.  I always wished that i could buy one of those cars.  Love those old cars and he loved driving too...

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