Saturday, December 05, 2015

First place for Cat in the Holiday tourney

First place on bars
Of all the things I get to see in my life, very little will compare to to watching this.  Catherine was competing her little heart out in routines and her bars routine was spectacularly brilliant.  It was so good she earned herself a 9.55 score.  When the score hit the board I was watching for it and couldnt believe my eyes.  She hadn't seen it yet and my eyes were on her as her coach came up to her and told her what her score was....The sweetness of watching her hands cover her mouth as it was wide open as if she saw the big man Santa P. Claus himself!!  It was a precious moment for a parent to have to be able to see their child that happy.  The smile never left her face.  I watched her the whole time from then (truthfully, before then too) and she smiled the whole way through into the awards ceremony where she got to stand on the first place podium.  Hey, I know she's not going to the Olympics or anything, but this is just as good.

Fourth place overall

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