Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years at Santas Village

New Years at Santas village!!  Who would have thought you could have so much fun on rides in the freezing cold.  We lucked out because the temperature wasn't that bad all night, around 25 to 30 degrees and the rain and snow stopped about a half hour before we got there.
     This idea came about when Erin was over the house and said she had never been to Santas village, and neither had Emily.  Quinny got involved in the conversation and a game plan was created.  What a great time as all the kids were running around from ride to ride and  all the food booths were free with admission.  Of course all the food was fried so Quinny and Cat tossed it up later, but that's the cost of having so much fun.  
     We didn't know how the older girls would like it but they are so much fun we couldn't lose!!  Don't you just love that about them all....they all got to swim in the hotel pool after we got back and the staff was nice enough to keep the pool open for quite a while after closing time...
     Speaking about having fun, Jimmy was spoiled and treated like a king over Ant Jo's house while we were away....this picture is a view from the mono rail...a very nice view from high up....
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We had a great companion on the monorail...I got to ride on the Antique car with Jackie, he made sure i sat in the back seat.  I always wished that i could buy one of those cars.  Love those old cars and he loved driving too...

Sunday, December 27, 2015

More Christmas photos

We had two photo shoots this Christmas, one with the Ohio girls and one with just our buggahs at JC Penney.....they are growing like weeds!!!
Isn't it always the case that the goofy pictures are the best..

love this goofy picture from the farm.  they are all so happy and Jack is the life of the party at all times.  


And on Christmas Eve, we went to Kara's and celebrated.....theres some christmas morning pictures there too...Jack with his drone, Jimmy with his X-box one, Laura with all her gifts, including her selfie stick and Catherine getting trampolene and her favorite, a case of snapple and cheeseballs.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Laura's first school dance

Laura and her goofy friends before her first dance...we are certainly lucky they chose such good friends

Monday, December 14, 2015

Poor Santa

Gotta get us a goofy Santa picture

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas pictures 2015

     We are so lucky...

Saturday, December 12, 2015

MIT swim meet

We've arrived at the MIT meets.  What a nice pool it is...Laura was so excited that she qualified for this meet.  The crowd was New Yorkers and Conn people.  Rude, rude, rude....incredibly rude....but I digress....she had a lot of fun and loved to compete at this level...

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Sunday swim meet

Jack took his swimming serious........And off to another spectacular meet

Erin had another heat to go before she pulled up into the stands with this enormous pulled pork sandwich,,,only Erin !!!

Laura keeping an eye on the kids,she tells me she's one of the few who can go on the deck during the meets because she's a USA swim member....she's so cool

Christmas party

Another year has come upon us for the family christmas party.  Poor Santa, i'm thinking of buying him another beard.

Poor Santa is somewhere in there, the poor little fat man!!

   I love these pictures with NeeNee.  The kids had a great time at the party, running around and just raising hell.  Umple Eddie, Bobby and Paula came too.  They had a great time and Paula even sat on Santa's lap!!
And here is Eileen and her under study twin 

And we were just missing Jackie...We really do miss him and Suzy.  Look real close and you'll see Santa Claus next to Penny and Timmy...He's getting crushed!!

Saturday, December 05, 2015

First place for Cat in the Holiday tourney

First place on bars
Of all the things I get to see in my life, very little will compare to to watching this.  Catherine was competing her little heart out in routines and her bars routine was spectacularly brilliant.  It was so good she earned herself a 9.55 score.  When the score hit the board I was watching for it and couldnt believe my eyes.  She hadn't seen it yet and my eyes were on her as her coach came up to her and told her what her score was....The sweetness of watching her hands cover her mouth as it was wide open as if she saw the big man Santa P. Claus himself!!  It was a precious moment for a parent to have to be able to see their child that happy.  The smile never left her face.  I watched her the whole time from then (truthfully, before then too) and she smiled the whole way through into the awards ceremony where she got to stand on the first place podium.  Hey, I know she's not going to the Olympics or anything, but this is just as good.

Fourth place overall