Sunday, November 01, 2015

Fun in the leaves

     On Sunday Laura and Emma went to the movies and came over to the house after.  The big question was whether we could leave them alone in the movie theater without parental supervision and we caved in...we forget Laura is now a teenager but she's still our little girl.  Nana drove them and Laura told me that Nana usually falls asleep during the movies anyhow....she told me they have to wake her up after the movie.....I really cant make fun of her because its happened to me too :)
     After they got to the house they all wanted to go outside and play and play they did until after dark.  We had some burgers and fries in between but they spent most of the time outside playing in the yards....i love that....!!  they even had Jack and Jimmy out there too for some of the time.    Here, they spent some time raking up the leaves and making a hug pile in the side yard.  They asked me to take some photos of them while they throw the leaves up in the air.....They know how how to have fun for sure.....

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