Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Daddy, tuck me in

     Here's something that happened last night as I was brushing my teeth.  There I stood with the water running and brushing my teeth.  I was going to bed a little early plus I let Jack stay up just a tad bit late.  Laura was already in bed, Cat was asleep and Jimmy was downstairs saying he was doing homework.  Lyn was in bed watching her show.   From his bed, Jackie yells out "Daddy, can you tuck me in".....Its something they ask me every night and every night I go into their rooms and kiss them and tell them I love them and move along.  I don't really tuck but sometimes i'll throw the blanket over them to make sure they are warm.  But for some reason Jack asking me to tuck him in last night just melted my heart.  It may not make any sense why but I was finding myself having a moment just enjoying that they are still young and still need us to tuck them in before bed and let them know that they will be safe all night even though an hour earlier I was yelling at him for his earlier tirade against his brother. 
     I found myself going right up the ladder to his bunk bed and giving him one hell of a hug and kiss...I love you, wuv you too daddy......made my way to the girls room and tucked those little angels in too........Every once in a while its a little bit more than just going through the motions