Friday, August 21, 2015

Jump Hugs

     Its a tradition that is unique to us, i think.  In the morning before i leave for work I yell out JUMP HUGS and the kids come running and line up aside of the kitchen table.  From there they come swooshing at me and take a large jump, give a hug and get thrown on the couch with a kiss. All except jack!!  He gets to me and doesnt get the concept of JUMP hugs..he just barrels me over of course.  Even Fenway gets in the act and excitedly jumps up and wants a pet.  The whole concept though is for the kids to take a leap before they get to me so i can catch them in stride.......
     The real neat thing about this whole business of jump hugging is that the kids like it alot.  I know this because its the only thing that will wake them up in the morning. If they are not alraedy awake for my announcement,  I'll go into their room and will ask them if they want to stay in bed or do they want a jump hug and off they go into the kitchen for the groggy jump...or in jacks case barrel Daddy over.
     Right now we are usually just down to Catherine and Jack because the other kids have aged out...But every once in a while, like this morning, Laura will get in line and challenge Daddy's back strength.  Its a real awesome time and something that i'll be sad to see go....
Sometimes like the morning after the SummerSlam event, i had my kids(not Jimmy) and Emily and Erin also....These kids hurt

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