Monday, August 24, 2015

Summerslam night gets so loud!!

     Its amazing the fuzz isn't called to the house after all the noise coming from the living room.  This is a hot ticket in town and the kids get all geared up for it.  The cousins come over and spend the night and they all bring their loudest voices.  Last night I went into the bedroom to try and get some sleep before it ended and that was definitely not going to happen.  I'm not really a crazed big fan of the whole wrestling thing but I find it so funny how these guys get so into it.  I had my favorite wrestler, AJ Lee, and she doesn't wrestle anymore.  Whenever she would go out and wrestle the kids would all yell for me because they knew how crazy she was for me....
     These belts are the ones they have accumulated over the past couple of years and they make an entrance all the time while they are watching the just cant fathom the noise in the house though....
     I love it when Jackie tells me that, even though he knows that i dont think its real, the knows the undertaker was really injured and had a heart attack in his match...he tells me while being real animated and his head is moving the whole time...there is no rest for the weary
All the championship belts

Friday, August 21, 2015

Jump Hugs

     Its a tradition that is unique to us, i think.  In the morning before i leave for work I yell out JUMP HUGS and the kids come running and line up aside of the kitchen table.  From there they come swooshing at me and take a large jump, give a hug and get thrown on the couch with a kiss. All except jack!!  He gets to me and doesnt get the concept of JUMP hugs..he just barrels me over of course.  Even Fenway gets in the act and excitedly jumps up and wants a pet.  The whole concept though is for the kids to take a leap before they get to me so i can catch them in stride.......
     The real neat thing about this whole business of jump hugging is that the kids like it alot.  I know this because its the only thing that will wake them up in the morning. If they are not alraedy awake for my announcement,  I'll go into their room and will ask them if they want to stay in bed or do they want a jump hug and off they go into the kitchen for the groggy jump...or in jacks case barrel Daddy over.
     Right now we are usually just down to Catherine and Jack because the other kids have aged out...But every once in a while, like this morning, Laura will get in line and challenge Daddy's back strength.  Its a real awesome time and something that i'll be sad to see go....
Sometimes like the morning after the SummerSlam event, i had my kids(not Jimmy) and Emily and Erin also....These kids hurt

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Around the horn.....2015 update

     Here we go with all four of them and their updates....This is the 700th post of this blog  Its amazing that I've  stuck with it this long...i'm glad I have..... its amazing how quickly they have grown up, got bigger and became little adults....almost!!
These days, James is 14 years old.  He is hovering right around the 6 foot mark and is going skyward I think.  Of course Lyn thinks he's done growing but I've heard that since the 3rd grade so we will just have to see.  Anyway, he is headed off to high school next year.  I think he really enjoyed 8th grade, with friends and having the run of the place.  Now he's the rookie again so to speak.  So scary for us old people to think our kids are that old.  He has been very excited about joining football and is going to all the camps.  He never played in Pop Warner (thankfully) but he played flag football every year with Jacob so we'll just have to see what happens with contact.  I don't think it will be a problem but its different for sure.  He asked me to go outside and do some football practicing.  Oh, to shake the rust of the shoulder and get some throws in.  He can really whip that ball though...I think he'll do okay!!
     He likes to play baseball still and his AAU team just finished last week in Jersey.    He's had a very good year and he's pounding the crap out of the ball.  Jimmy is enjoying his summer, spending some time with Charlie and sleeping late.  Most of the time he stays up late and sleeps very late... That's good for him, but I remember the days of my staying up that late in the moring when I was his age....but its rare for these kids, mostly because its a very loud house!!  Jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     Now Laura, what can we say about Laura.  She's growing up...yes she is.  Still a goofball though, thankfully!!  She and I have this thing we do during her swim meets.  When she gets up to the blocks to begin a race, she catches my eye and does this silly dance that looks like the hokey pokey.  I do the same thing and we both laugh and she does her thing, usually KATN (kick ass and take names)....well, usually I find myself on the other side of the pool, in the crowd and was of course watching her.  We will catch eyes and the next thing you know she does her silly dance and smiles.....She's still my little girl!! 
     She just finished sixth grade and her grades were once again wonderful.  She's almost like an adult with how mature she is.  She cooks most of the time for us and sometimes we forget that she is only in seventh grade (almost).  She went away with Lizzie and I was happy to have her call me every day, at least once.  I do miss them when they are away from me.  I saw something that said how happy a parent was to just get away from the kids but as soon as they are they beginning missing them so much.  I can relate to that.  I had this thing with Laura when she would sleep over the cousin's house, I would tell her how I went into her room and ended up kissing her pillow goodnight and I was all upset.  Of course I still say it to her but it doesn't have the same affect....they used to believe me.  I still say things like that to Catherine though and she believes me...or pretends to.  One big change for Laura is that she's got very tall.  I swear it just happened all at once.  One day I was sitting on a chair on the lawn and I saw her walking to the front door and I couldn't believe that was my baby girl...incredible....
     Oh my Catherine....she really is the sweetest girl I know that Catherine gal.  Its amazing what a sweet little girl she is.  I known at some point she'll grow up and get past all this but she really is the sweetest most lovable thing on the planet.  She is as sensitive as ever but she does show some signs of improvement.  When she gets on the carpet and competes in gymnastics while everyone is watching and also when she gets out there and pitches during her softball games...both are very stressful and i'm so impressed with how well she does holding up, especially when things don't go so well.  My little girl will be going into 5th grade this year, moving on up to middle school.  That move created so much stress last year but she's seemed to have eased up a bit.  One of her good friends is the principals daughter so knowing that he'll be there for her is very reassuring.  She had fun during the summer, going to the swim club and also doing gymnastics.  She's so sweet and is such a good sight to see at the end of the day.......
     And then there's Jackie....Oh my Jackie.....he's such a funny kid.  Keeps us all in stitches most of the time, and then at other times....oh my Jackie!!!  He's actually very sweet but oh my goodness is he a handful.  Friday is the day he comes to life.  I've never seen anything like it.  He will not stop, talking, moving, jumping running....I don't even think he stops to sleep...he must but I don't remember, until he crashes on Sunday night and the week starts all over.  He can be hard to wake up but then that's just a tease because he's off like a race horse from there. 
     Jack will be heading into third grade this year so he's getting up there with the big kids.  Its every exciting for him.  He'll be the only one on the bus so he'll have me all to himelf for the morning tennis ball games.  I'm going to cherish this last year of doing that because I know they wont be the only ones who will miss it........ He spent all summer playing baseball on his summer travel team and he did really well.  There was usually something missing from his bag every game but that's par for the course I suppose.  He played a lot of different positions but I really enjoyed watching him pitch.  In the beginning he was kind of wild and would hit a lot of batters.  Sometimes he just gave that look over like to say 'woops'....but he got a little more in control.  There was one time he beaned someone and he swore it didn't count because the ball skipped on the ground before it took the leg off of the hitter...ouch!!! 
     All said, they are doing quite well for themselves.  We are very proud of them because they are all good kids so i'm proud of them that way.  They are getting older so i'm hoping they behave themselves and don't prematurely age me!!!  They've already done a number on the hair....!!!!

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Drive in movie night

We've certainly seen some award winning movies this week....There was ant man and fantastic four at the drive in tonight and Paul Blart -mall cop 2 (because one movie wasn't enough),  at the dive in movie....makes you long for the old time Joe Dirt....what a great time though.  These kids get along so well and we really are lucky to have them so close in age.  Also, they really don't hate us yet so we still have them singing and dancing with us. 
We hauled it up to the Milford Drive-In in Kara and Jamie's vehicles so we all fit into two cars.  Bags of chocolate and popcorn and a cooler full of soda later we were there.  There really is a certain mix of people at the drive in.  Just keeping the kids at arms length that's all.  These kids really are pretty fun though.  They had plenty of smiles.  I think Jack fell asleep for most of the second movie but the others stayed with us. 

Friday, August 07, 2015

Guess where we went today

     Okay so here I am staring at this photo at the old Coffee shop with four of the kids.  How fun has it been over the years to come and visit Patricia and the gals.  A long time ago when the shop first opened, I would take Jimmy over with Grammy Frannie and we'd go into the back room that is long gone.  Mum would pull out some board games or a game of checkers and keep jimmy busy for the time while we drank our coffee's.  As the years went by we got to know the owner, Patricia, who would come over to the kids, especially jack, and pour them soda into a coffee cup and let them think they were drinking coffee like the adults.  With Jack, Patricia would usually tell us to sit down and she would take over with his drink and spoil the heck out of him.  It was so cute and he would call Patricia his girlfriend.....He had a couple of girlfriends but Patricia was his first....So much so that he was very slow to talk to her when we went inside...Now, that's love!!! 
So through the years, we have made this place a staple whenever we got over to Black Gordon or go on the Trolleys....or anywhere downtown for that matter.......Wherever we go its always a treat to make a stop there with old friends......

The kids love the Keep Off sign .....such law breakers!!!

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Lemonade stand

Have you seen a more reasonably priced cup of lemonade recently??  It was a really hot day and the kids wanted to sell some lemonade so we went down the street and they made over ten bucks!!  I got to sit and supervise down the street and got two cups myself...

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Just another day at the beach