Sunday, May 10, 2015

Father daughter aloha dance

It was time again for the father-daughter dance at school, this time it was just me and Catherine as Laura has aged out.  We had a blast!!  We danced the whole night away.  I kept asking her if she wanted to go dance with her friends but she told me she wanted to dance with me...and dance we did!!!  A day after  I'm hurting for certain, but I must say it was all worth it....
It was such an exciting night.  Catherine was so happy all day and night, she was such a grown up about it all and I couldn't wait for our date to start either.  I almost forgot about the corsage so I ran out real quick before the dance and got one from the florist.  Of course they had to take forever to get it done but thankfully they did it for me in quick time.

Boy did we dance the night away.  There really wasn't much of a break at all but it made the night go by so quick.  Here they loaded up a bunch of balls into the middle of this large tarp and sang the Frozen song.....then they LET IT was fun to watch....

that smile didn't leave this sweet girls face all night and for that I am very thankful.  We had so much fun on our date.  I hate to see her grow up.  She told me this is our last father daughter dance and indeed it is.  I'm sure we'll dance again!!!  She's the sweetest girl I know!!

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