Thursday, May 21, 2015

Art show

Tonight we were scheduled for Laura's game and Jacks practice, there was no word of an art show... It was one of those "oh yeah, we have an art show tonight"...oh those little buggahs.....But I got Jack out of his baseball practice early and we went to the old art show....I must say that I am pretty impressed with the art and the ceramic muffins...Its so much fun to have them show their work and how proud they are of their school and their artwork.  Jackie had a drawing of a cardinal on some snowy branches.  Catherine had one of Russian Architecture.  Loved them both!!
We had to look around for quite some time to find their artwork and especially the muffin.  Its a ceramic muffin that looks surprisingly lifelike...makes me a little hungry.  Its so cute to walk around and here the little rugrats yelling out hello to both Catherine and Jack.  They have their own little social circle away from home that we are not involved in.  We think that we have complete control and know everything they are involved in, but they do have a life without us...Its a great school and the teachers are very nice to them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

our kiddos' art show/concert is tonight...cant wait to see their creations!