Sunday, May 31, 2015

Where shall we take pictures now??

     I know its crazy, but we had such a connection to this Old White birch treet in the front yard.  so many of our family pictures have been taken under it.  Its a weak tree and I could see right through the holes at its base, so it was time to go.  thank god for uncle Patrick and his chainsaw.  He cut and we pulled.  The kids spend so much time playing in the front yard, i'd rather it come down this way.  We'll have to put up some more trees this fall, possibly a couple of maples. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Connecticut tourney

     Here we go again to the baseball tournament in Connecticut.  This time he was absolutely on fire.  Every hit he had was a soaring shot.   They played all A teams and they were beating them most of the time.  It was so fun to watch good games.  It was very rare that he didn't get a hit.  I was very happy for little Jimmy, though not so little anymore !!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Softball, baseball all the time.....

      While we spend so much time at the fields there are a couple of pictures taken.  These are just a sampling of some of the pictures that came off the picture card in the camera.
     Laura hit her second home run of the seaon the other night.  She played for another team that was sixth, seventh and eighth graders.  She crushed it and was rounding second before anyone could get near the ball.  She's a beast!!!

    One thing we could be sure of this spring was to have cold weather.  I know its always a little nippy to start the season but this year it just seems we have jacket weather every game.  Here, Catherine needs her jacket over her uniform.  Of course its purple, her favorite color.

     Jack is pitching now.  He's hung up on this pitch count.  I think you only get to throw 75 pitches in a week and that's all he talks about.  He's doing quite well and is throwing strikes most importantly.  I love to see how he socializes with other kids.  He walks off the mound like he's Joe Cool.  I wouldn't tell him but he really is Joe Cool.  I think I could just sit and watch him all night. 

     Jimmy is at that age where he really doesn't like anything...except baseball and his 'friend' Katrina.  She's a very nice girl and is from a very nice family.  Her mom and sister go to a lot of Jimmy's games and support him.  He's a goofball who has a lot of fun in life.....

Silly Hat day

     This was the best we could do on short notice for 'silly hat day' at school.  I think they turned out pretty good though.  Jack was a pirate and Cat was an irish gal.  Of course I went to take a picture of Catherine and was photo bombed by could not expect anything more from the official photobomber of the family.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Art show

Tonight we were scheduled for Laura's game and Jacks practice, there was no word of an art show... It was one of those "oh yeah, we have an art show tonight"...oh those little buggahs.....But I got Jack out of his baseball practice early and we went to the old art show....I must say that I am pretty impressed with the art and the ceramic muffins...Its so much fun to have them show their work and how proud they are of their school and their artwork.  Jackie had a drawing of a cardinal on some snowy branches.  Catherine had one of Russian Architecture.  Loved them both!!
We had to look around for quite some time to find their artwork and especially the muffin.  Its a ceramic muffin that looks surprisingly lifelike...makes me a little hungry.  Its so cute to walk around and here the little rugrats yelling out hello to both Catherine and Jack.  They have their own little social circle away from home that we are not involved in.  We think that we have complete control and know everything they are involved in, but they do have a life without us...Its a great school and the teachers are very nice to them.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Crew races

She's so fun, she didn't mind following me around at all.  Of course she sees this interesting tree and she has to climb it.  I don't blame her, I wanted to climb it too....but I cant (damn)

While I was taking a picture of these gals on the boat Laura waved at them and they waved back.

Laura came to work with me on the waterfront on Saturday....first we went to dunkins and then the climbing on trees.  Its so good to see all these people grilling and enjoying the river.
Darn cops and their coffee!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Footloose and fancy free

The video is sideways but you get the point, I got me some rhythm..yes I do....well.......

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Father daughter aloha dance

It was time again for the father-daughter dance at school, this time it was just me and Catherine as Laura has aged out.  We had a blast!!  We danced the whole night away.  I kept asking her if she wanted to go dance with her friends but she told me she wanted to dance with me...and dance we did!!!  A day after  I'm hurting for certain, but I must say it was all worth it....
It was such an exciting night.  Catherine was so happy all day and night, she was such a grown up about it all and I couldn't wait for our date to start either.  I almost forgot about the corsage so I ran out real quick before the dance and got one from the florist.  Of course they had to take forever to get it done but thankfully they did it for me in quick time.

Boy did we dance the night away.  There really wasn't much of a break at all but it made the night go by so quick.  Here they loaded up a bunch of balls into the middle of this large tarp and sang the Frozen song.....then they LET IT was fun to watch....

that smile didn't leave this sweet girls face all night and for that I am very thankful.  We had so much fun on our date.  I hate to see her grow up.  She told me this is our last father daughter dance and indeed it is.  I'm sure we'll dance again!!!  She's the sweetest girl I know!!

Thursday, May 07, 2015

creatures on my phone !! dad, we don't use your phone...

I come back to my phone with these little creature selfies all the time...