Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Laura playing football....flag

     Laura and Erin's team made it all the way to the championship game, losing on the absolute last play of the game.  It was raining, it was cold and it was slippery....but what a fun game it was to watch.  Its one of those times where you have a renewed spirit of youth sports when you see it all done right.  There was no bitching and moaning from the sidelines, the refs didn't think they were the show and the parents (for the most part) just shut their mouths unless they were cheering on the teams.  It was a back and forth game and the kids were loving it.  Erin and Laura could be heard with an occasional growl.  They were the only two gals on the team.  I was very proud of them, especially how much fun they managed to have....
                                                 Erin giving us a growl
                                                Showing off the hardware!!!

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