Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Its Snowing!!!!

     I don't know if I can do this justice.   Sunday morning I had intended on sleeping in just a little bit and the kids were supposed to be nice and leave me alone.  I had taken some medications the last couple of days and we were gonna just let it run its course for the final day before work.  Mom was at work and Nana was supposed to come pick the kids up early to bring them to church or breakfast or something.   Nana didn't make the call for church and Laura had slept over Kara's house.  When what to my wondering ears did occur but one miniature Jackie exploding in wonderment at the sight of the first snowflakes of the season.  All I could hear was LETS GO, LETS GO CATHERINE, ERIN.....the hustle and bustle of little feet running around furiously and excited voices continue on and on and finally I gave in and went outside with them.  Really, how couldn't I !!!  There is a place inside my chest that just gets so heavy when the kids do such fun things like that.  This is what I want the kids to do, get out and have some fun, not be afraid of the cold, or rain and I definitely don't want them to sit their asses on the couch all day and watch WWE re-runs.  I absolutely love that they want to go outside and play.  That's what snow should be all about...and even better, it was their idea!! 
     On this day, they played hockey (with full goalie uniforms) and they also went out in the back yard and played on the swingset (in the snow, or what passed for flurries).   I don't know if my words did it justice, or if maybe its not a big deal, but I think these kids are so cool!!!  We ended up finishing the morning with nana at the diner and the kids went over nana's for the day.

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