Monday, June 24, 2013

Baseball tourney in Baltimore for Jimmy

                                            Jacob came with us...we went to DC the first day





Monday, June 17, 2013

Jack's baseball team...Minor League Mets

                                          Many more pictures to come from this game...Just throwing some pictures in and hoping to catch up

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013...guess where we went today

I just love Jack's fashion know, he could be a trendsetter.  I had to work very late Saturday night and any hope of getting to the beach for Fathers Day diminished a bit when the clouds just wouldnt go away  But, we still got to make the trip to see Black Gordon, play a bit of wall ball, go to the donut shop and just walk around.  I enjoyed that alot, especially to hang with the little monsters.
We all got to ride the trolley and went into a mill building.  The biggest kid is the biggest fan of the trains....though they seemed to have fun too

Jimmy baseball championship team....They wont it all

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Another tooth missing...Catherine

  Catherine couldnt wait to tell me about the tooth she finally lost.  She was so excited and cant wait for the lovely fairy to darn cute.  Not much in life makes your heart flutter more than listening to your eight year old excitedly explain about her lost tooth and the anticipated arrival of that fairy.
     As it turns out, the tooth fairy ended up giving her over $12 in bills and change.  Thats what happens when the little ole fairy rushes and just piles up.....thats okay, she's so damn cute the tooth fairy probably couldnt help itself.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Catherine pitching

      My little angel did a great job pitching tonight.  She practices all the time and really showed zero signs of nerves, which is surprising for her.  She was very confident.  At the plate she had four hits.

   Four fields over, Jimmy was playing his first playoff game.  I put my bike in the car and rode back and forth throughout the games.  Jimmy pitched four no-hit innings and left with a 4-0 lead, but the coach took him out in the fifth inning so he could save him for the thursday game.  Well, the other team scored five runs in the fifth inning and jim's team lost by one run.  Oh well, theres always thursday night to come back.

Laura end of year 4th grade concert

     Laura had her end of the year concert and got to show off how well she can play the violin now.  She did a really good job along with her fellow hippie Eva. 
     Over the last five years i've spent alot of time with Laura's classes as a volunteer.  Its so interesting to see them grow up right in front of our eyes.  They are good kids. 

    These two goofballs wanted to show us how they were going to busker and make some money.  of course Daddy was the only one giving up any money.

     Before the concert it was portfolio night which means we go into her classroom and look at how far she's come with her writing.  She is very smart and really enjoys school.  Part of the fourth grade tradition is that the kids make a mask.  I dont know what the hell this thing is but its made by Laura so there has to be some hippie value to it.  She's so fun, especaally with her fellow hippie Eva.

Monday, June 03, 2013

The ball it soars, the crowd it roars........

     Really, what is there in life during these days besides baseball, softball and soon, more swimming.  James has held off hitting his first home run until all of us just clawed our hair out watching him bounce it off the wall time and time again.  Well, Friday night in the bottom of the third inning, with the place mobbed with people, not a parking spot to be had, number 57 stood at the plate and blasted one out.  Not a shot for the faint of heart, this one is still seeking a landing stripe.  He so cooly ran around the bases with the crowd going wild.  He has slowly started to admit how cool it is to hit a home run.  The next game one of the coaches gave me a case for him to put the ball in.  Unfortunately, i didnt think they found the ball so I had to go get another ball and put it in the case.  Swift thinking because when i brought it to him he told me that they had found the ball in a water puddle beyond the center field fence and given it to him.....errr, I figured something out and now we have the ball in a case.  Seriously though, he really could care less......some day when he's old and someone I know, he'll appreciate it.
"How much are the home-run pills?"