Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day at the Beach

We love to make it to the beach on Fathers Day. Some years we have hit it in the cold, some rain but today, it was beautiful weather for the creatures. No matter what the weather, you can always count on Jimmy going into the water. This year, they all joined him. I stepped in with them and thought someone had cut my leg off....Freeeeezing!!

We did the right thing by going so early too. We got there around 9am or so. The place was packed by 10:30am. The kids were very well bahaved. They love the sand. Even the ten year old (jimmy) spent alot of time digging and making sand castles. We have become pro's at this whole kid at the beach thing so we know what kind of toys to bring. When I would sit down to relax though, they wouldnt have any of it so off we went to play catch with the football and tennis ball. We played pickle and some modified beach four square thing where i always end up losing. It is absolutely amazing how well each one of them can throw a ball...and how fast they can. Some good years to look forward to.

Jim has started his summer baseball league and his opening night was on Fathers day....imagine. anyway, they lost the first game of the tourney so we are in the losers bracket. Its four or rive nights a week till august..stay tuned

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