Monday, June 20, 2011

Bruins parade....well, not the official one

We were going to go to Boston for the parade...but as is often the case, there was so much to do with Jimmy's baseball, Catherine's gymnastics and birthday party for Sophia....that we had to do some quick thinking. With Jack's red wagon and a base of plywood, we put Laura's drum on top, got some guitars and made our own Stanley cup with popcorn cups and bowls bought at Target. We marched around the neighborhood, and beyond, with Laura contantly on the drums, Jack leading by yelling out the march and Catherine dancing. Jimmy started out with us playing his recorder. It got very hot during the parade, but much fun was had by all. At one point some lady stopped her car and took our picture. she told us it will be in the newspaper...we'll have to see about that.

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