Monday, June 27, 2011

First Aunt Chrissy BBQ of the season

Saturday we went over Aunt Chrissy's house for the first time this year. I'm sure we'll be there many more times over the course of the summer. Laura spent lots of time cooking s'mores for everyone. The water was freezing but that didnt stop the little fishes from going in .

Baseball game with the three youngest and the UMP

James and mommy stayed home together tonight and bonded while the ump and I brought the other three to see the spins play. We didnt tell them about it until a couple of minutes before gametime. i told Laura first so it accidentally slipped where we were going but it was late enough to still make it real fun. We had great seats. By the third inning they had already sucked down some hot dogs and french fries, drinks before we went to the swamp area where the kids can play games and do the jumpy jumpy and ride down the slide too. Ice Cream followed with cotton candy as well as popcorn to round out the treats. After the game they got to run the bases....Laura is turning into Jimmy because she loves to get on the basepaths and pass people...competitive she is. they were all really cute all night and deserved everything they got because they were really, really good.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Catherine lost her first tooth today...and update

What a wonderully, exciting day for catherine today. She has been complainging for about a week about her front lower tooth and how its loose and is going to fall out. Well, today it finally became very very loose where it way lying flat down facing the front. Never one to be dramatic...uh huh...Cat wouldnt let me touch it or even come close enought to it to get a great look at it. she would freak out when someone would come near her. she finally did let me touch her jaw and all I could do was hope it would come out soon and also that she wouldnt swallow it. Right after leaving CVS with all four of them I hear this blood curdling scream coming from the back seat....AHHHHHHHHHHHH Daddy, it fell out and I"m bleedinmg. she had traces of blood coming from the new opening.....ooooo, it was disastrous. Until Jimmy told her that the tooth fairy will leave her some money to spend. It got a little better with every phone call she made.

UPDATE***Before she went to bed my little angel was scared to death of that tooth fairy coming in her room while she sleeps. All the kids agreed to sleep on the floor in front of her bed to keep her safe. I'm sure it made it tough for the toothfairy to get in, but she flies through the air anyway. In the morning i was in bed tossing and turning when i heard Catherine yell out...THANK YOU TOOTH FAIRY!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jimmy's last day before middle school and silly hawaiin dress day

Laura is never one to turn down a chance to dress silly...she's so fun!!

Today was Jimmy's last day in this school. How fast these school years have come and gone. It just seems like yesterday that we went to his orientation for kindergarten. I remember sitting in the back row with a cafeteria full of people and one lady talking over and over asking nonsensical questions about checking the bathrooms before the kids use them....and now here we are almost five years later and fifth grade is right around the summer corner. Believe it or not we took some pictures of his last day in this school.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bruins parade....well, not the official one

We were going to go to Boston for the parade...but as is often the case, there was so much to do with Jimmy's baseball, Catherine's gymnastics and birthday party for Sophia....that we had to do some quick thinking. With Jack's red wagon and a base of plywood, we put Laura's drum on top, got some guitars and made our own Stanley cup with popcorn cups and bowls bought at Target. We marched around the neighborhood, and beyond, with Laura contantly on the drums, Jack leading by yelling out the march and Catherine dancing. Jimmy started out with us playing his recorder. It got very hot during the parade, but much fun was had by all. At one point some lady stopped her car and took our picture. she told us it will be in the newspaper...we'll have to see about that.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day at the Beach

We love to make it to the beach on Fathers Day. Some years we have hit it in the cold, some rain but today, it was beautiful weather for the creatures. No matter what the weather, you can always count on Jimmy going into the water. This year, they all joined him. I stepped in with them and thought someone had cut my leg off....Freeeeezing!!

We did the right thing by going so early too. We got there around 9am or so. The place was packed by 10:30am. The kids were very well bahaved. They love the sand. Even the ten year old (jimmy) spent alot of time digging and making sand castles. We have become pro's at this whole kid at the beach thing so we know what kind of toys to bring. When I would sit down to relax though, they wouldnt have any of it so off we went to play catch with the football and tennis ball. We played pickle and some modified beach four square thing where i always end up losing. It is absolutely amazing how well each one of them can throw a ball...and how fast they can. Some good years to look forward to.

Jim has started his summer baseball league and his opening night was on Fathers day....imagine. anyway, they lost the first game of the tourney so we are in the losers bracket. Its four or rive nights a week till august..stay tuned

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Mud Soup..and then

We all went to meggies softball game the 98 degree heat. Jimmy brought Charlie along and nana, doe were there with us to watch the run to the State championship. The girls watched patiently as there hero Meghan pitched her way through another victory. We had sprite, water, popsicles and snacks to keep everyone amused. After the game we met up with mommy and eventually we all settled into the swagger wagon to get some errands run. We ended up at Lowe's to get some sand for the sandbox and some big water jugs for the water cooler. As we are walking along the aisle Jack was being Jack....DADDY, WHEN ARE WE GOING HOME, WHEN ARE WE GOING HOME. Then he went to DADDY WHAT ARE WE GONNA EAT, DADDAYYY WHAT ARE WE GOING TO EAT....Finally, I told him WE ARE HAVING GRASS SANDWICHES AND MUD SOUP.....without skipping a beat he comes back with NOT AGAIN, WE HAD THAT FOR LUNCH!!! Lyn and I just looked at each other and laughed....the little shit!!!

AND THEN.....we did make a take out call to georges for some grub. We just wanted to take the stuff home. So off we went and into our favorite pizza house to wait for it. Outside the store I see Jack admiring this perfect Harley Davidson bike. Once we go inside he is treated like the celebrity he is. However, I see him over at Harley Dude and his date. I go over to make sure everything is okay. Harley dude tells me that Jack told him the he was in his seat. He pointed to our family picture on the napkin holder at the end of the table.......

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Jimmy's Concert

Jimmy was ever so excited about singing in his class concert. He even had a solo bit in it. He was great with such a ummmm talented voice. Again, must be the mothers side for that one. All of the kids joined us and they werent that bad either. Afterwards, the kids got to play in the playground. Before the concert we got to see Jimmy's portfolio for the year. We laughed at some of the things he wrote throughout the year. He's really a thoughful person.