Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wimpy Kids movie with Auntie Paula and the Ump

The kids were counting the days to when the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie came out. When it was mentioned on the television that it was coming, Jack immediately made me call umple eddie, auntie paula and uncle bobby (who he called uncle eddie's daddy) to tell them that we were going. Auntie Paula was very good to the kiddies and got us the tickets. the kids love their auntie and umples. It was so exciting to fit four adults and four kids into the new minivan....with comfort too. I think Auntie Paula was just as excited to see the movie too because she saw the first one with us too. Before the movie we went head first into WalMart and grabbed some candy to fill up the bags to eat at the movie, this along with the popcorn, drink and fruit snacks. The movie was so funny, i think i was the one laughing the hardest. it reminds me of when they made movies before they had to add four letter words to make it attractive to movie goers. Overall, the day was a success. Jimmy had baseball practice afterwards this freezing cold!!!

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