Friday, March 25, 2011

Catherines first playdate and duh jack

Catherine was so excited coming off the bus today. She had set up her very first playdate with her new friend Sydney. I picked them up and just said "yeah sure honey". ....not really expecting anything of it. Well, shortly after I got a call from Sydney's mother asking if Catherine could come over. We had met her many times so everything was so cool. Cat was so so so excited. You could just see it in her. Afterwards (only a bit over an hour and a half) she had so much to say about what they did. It was mostly playing on a swing, slide and other cute things. Jack and I spent the whole day together and we did the things that jack does best. We went to the coffee shop, the registry and then to Black Gordon and the Train that doesnt move. choo choo we went.
Jack has been telling me that he wants a skateboard for his birthday. Right before we went to the coffee shop, we were making a pit stop from the bank when we ran into Eddie (from the coffee shop). Of course he is now jacks new hero because he was riding a skateboard. Eddie is in his 20's and had this whole conversation with jack about skateboarding. I didnt think jack understood what he was talking about but sure enough he did. He told me how Eddie told him that he started skateboarding when he was four years old too!! so we get home and are waiting for the bus to arrive and we run into Roger the neighbor. Roger, ever the antagonist, attempts to get info from Jack and asks him if he has a girlfriend. jack tells him that he has two, Patricia from the coffee shop and another girl named Addison. roger asks him where he met Addison. Jack says "duh, from School". I'd never heard him say the duh thing before. I had to correct him, but it was funny.

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