Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy birthday Jimmy...

Daddy and Jimmy at the Fisk pole

Jimmy and Umple Eddie in the front row

Nine years ago we started this excellent adventure. It turned into quite the nostalgic day and night. His celebration started with going to the new Pizza joint that was so much like the old joint. My old pizza place re-opened after several years being closed. The original owners had sold the business and the new owners thought it was too much work to beat the dough the right way, people noticed and out of business they went. Imagine the delight of many of us when they re-opened. Well, Lyn and the kids had never had Geoge's Pizza before so off we went for Jimmy's afternoon. The Ump went with us and held back on his portions but was soaking in the memories of those two feet tall subs. Before we went we also picked up Charlie. It was delicious as ever.

Back at the homestead we had a birthday cake and Nana and Doe joined us there. We had to get ready for the Red Sox game with tickets that Aunt Jo had given him for his birthday. Jimmy was especially excited as the Ump went online and got a ticket to join us. We had such an awesome time. Umple was sitting above us in the pavillion for the start of the game. The people in the section we were sitting in sang Happy birthday to Jimmy after the third inning. Its on video, of course.

At one point Eddie came down and I went up to take pictures of the park from the pavillion. Being the curious sort, I went over to the left field area where I got permission to enter the monster seats. So eventually we all headed up and stayed on the monster for the rest of the game. I've always wanted to get up there, just once. For alot of the time Jimmy stood next to the Fisk pole and we eventually ended up in the first row of the monster seats. Papelbon almost blew the lead in the ninth. I was actually hoping the Orioles would at least tie the game.

click to play the whole section singing Happy Birthday to Jimmy

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