After we were done it was time for the ride home on the train. All we ate all day was junk, junk, junk and we finished it off at the North Station with two Cheeseburgers from McDonalds. I said to Catherine that all we ate today was junk. She corrected me and told me that she ate hot dogs so it wasnt all junk.
When she was playing in the park, she had to go to the bathroom (of course). She did the hands to her mid section hop hop and began to give me the ole I gotta go, I gotta go. We went to what was quite possibly the most disgusting bathrooms around. It was in McDonalds off of the common. I would let her pee her pants instead of sitting on that toilet seat. No toilet paper either. So we went downstairs and grabbed about a hundred napkins and spent about five minutes cleaning the toilet seat and surrounding area before she could finally sit.
Also, when we were in the park, some kid came out of the tube for the slide crying because someone had pushed him. Out of reaction from experience I went looking for Jack. How easy it seems just taking one, but how lonely it would be without the others.
I got to go to Laura's softball practice tonight. Jimmy was there with Charlie because Lizzy was having a practice with her team too. She is finally more comfortable because she isn't surrounded by all those crazy boys and she gets to hang with girls. She seems to really like it and the coaches are very nice and patient with the little girls. She takes it serious when she is out there and they give her homework to do on her hitting, catching and fielding. She must have asked me a hundred times this week to do her homework on pop ups. Her swing is phenomenal.
Speaking of swings, Jimmy has been in baseball camp all winter long for hitting. Holy crap I say. He had practice the other day and took about five to ten swings. He missed most of them. When he gets to practice his swing its going to be a killer. wow what an improvement. Ahhh baseball..
For the next morning in School, Daddy got to go into the class and read a book for her. It was "on the day you were born". Its got some wear and tear on it but it can tear you up thats for sure. Mommy made gift bags for all the kids with jump rope, bubbles and other little toys. The smiled didnt leave her face.
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