Sunday, December 13, 2009

Whats up December

This cold weather just comes slamming in on us so quickly doesnt it? We really cant complain because we had so many beautiful days in November. Jack and I have gotten into the habit of going out at least once a week when its just he and I in the house all day, at least half the day. He has a girlfriend, the shop owner, at the coffee shop. She stops everything she's doing to come over and pouring Jack's drink. The bad part comes when he wants to eat some coffee cake or muffins. Oh the mess. If he's home he is all over the place, but if its just he and I its do-able. the other day he had done something nutty again and I said "jack !!" and he says to me "Daddy, dont say-you are driving me crazy".
Catherine has been bringing me home great prizes that she makes at school. She loves to be picked up at school by daddy. Alot of the days we are lucky enough to have Karen or Nana pick her up but sometimes I get the honor and it is fun to watch her. Last Friday she and I went out to lunch after I picked her up. I had asked her where she wanted to go and I left it totally up to her as to where we went. Of course she wanted to go to McDonalds for a happy meal. It was good that we went there because we ran into a friend of Grammy Franny's. Lena used to go to Foxwoods with mom and they would share a room. Mom always said she drove her crazy because she would follow her around and look over her shoulder. One thing that mom didnt like was when people followed her around or didnt trust her to be on her own while she was fueling her gambling addiction. The one thing that is hilarious about anywhere we go is that she all of a sudden have to go to the bathroom, like right now. It can get frustrating as hell but she's so cute as she cups her hands and bounces around. so cute I say.
Laura got me to sign up to volunteer again this week. She's so funny at night when she tries to suck me into lying in her bed and doing whatever she wants me to do. I'm thinking she knows how to play daddy. She'll say "daddy, can I talk to you"...and of course I cannot say no to her.
James has been doing baseball and basketball again. Obviously it is indoor baseball. He's just doing a hitting clinic but he's loving it. On Saturday he plays basketball. He hustles his heart out but unfortunately he gets his father's basketball genes. He was playing against Claytons team this week and of course he was doing his usual trash talking with him. they are good kids.

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