Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ruled by the kids again

Lyn picked up Catherine the other day from pre-school. She hadnt been able to pick her up much lately so Catherine took full advantage. Usually when I pick Catherine up from school she gives a song and dance about how she never gets to go to MacDonalds, Burger King or whatever she choses. Sometimes, of course she wins. Like last week, one day I brought her to MacD's and the other was at Burger King because they have better prizes. Fast forward two days later, Lyn went to pick up Catherine and received a story about how the other kids get to have private time with her or I. Catherine told her that she NEVER goes to Burger King. Of course Lyn bought it hook line and sinker. Lyn repeated the days events and how she felt bad for Catherine because of.........Imagine her surprise in finding out that the NEVER was only two days ago.

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