Monday, May 25, 2009


Time is just flying by and kids are getting bigger and bigger every day. The weeks seem to fly by and the weekends certainly dont even exist. No matter what we do during the week, we have been trying to keep Sunday as family day where we all do family stuff together all day. Its a good idea but man o man, by the end of the day there are aches and pains. No matter how tired we try to get Jack, he's still a fighter come bedtime. The other kids have become somewhat better about going to sleep though. Usually, we can put Jack in front of the TV in the backyard room and he'll watch the firetruck show until breakdown time. He is just full of it still. He's either darting outside or touching the only thing in a room that you dont want him to go near. His saving grace is that he's so damn cute.

Laura has been working on her next infomercial star. Around Christmastime, Laura kept pestering us to buy Aunt Jo some grilling machine where you can cook six hamburgers at once. Then there was the snuggies blankets. She has taken it to a different level now. She's using the commercials as her sales pitch. A little while ago I was ironing my clothes before work and she starts talking to me as usual. She says "are you sick of ironing your clothes? You should really try the revolutionary system not available in stores." Then she says something about the flexible hangers. I could just only shake my head in amazement. Another time she went up to Lyn and asked her "would you like to be more organized" followed by her going into a pitch about one product or another.
Laura just had her feish the other day. She goes to her irish step classes. She does really well at it. Lately she's been a little put off about going but when she's there she really likes it. Catherine has been dying to start. Just by watching Laura she has a pretty good routine going on. Lyn and I cornered Maura the other day about teaching us how to do some stepping. Hmmm, somehow I think the lessons would turn into peanut butter balls and Bud Light.
We have a Memorial day party planned for Patricks house. Jimmy has been planning a big baseball game for months. He's had the lineup ready for quite some time.

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