Monday, May 11, 2009

Baseball Kids and more

We have two of them playing organized baseball and the other two just bashing the breakable items around the house with some bats.
James has been just lights out in his baseball league, hitting the ball to the outfield with regularity and then fielding, starting Tuesday he'll be pitching. I might be biased but he's getting better, did I use the term 'lights out' yet. The only problem with all this is that he's still hung up on this hockey thing. We just got the email telling us that he's on a team next year and that is exciting the hell out of him. He loves hockey. I was just hoping that he'd find a sport that would start a little bitter later on in the day. Oh well.
Laura has been doing awesome with her baseball too. Last game she was out in the outfield most of the game. She gets bored a little quick and starts playing in the dirt, with her hair and then she just begins twirling for no apparent reason. It's fun to watch though. She got up at the plate the last game and got two hits. The first hit was when she swung the bat and the ball dropped two feet in front of her and just died there. The catcher didnt make too much of an effort to get to it so she was in like Flynn. Her second hit she just crushed to the shortstop.
On Mothers day we went to GF's stone at the cemetery. Jack liked to run around and explore the whole area as well as Jimmy and Catherine. Laura stayed with me at the stone and told me that we should say a prayer for GF. I told her to start and she said the 'Hail Mary'. That was Grammy Franny's favorite. After this, Laura took off her ring from her finger and put it in the dirt with just the stone sticking up. She said that its only a ring and she wanted Grammy Franny to have it. The one year anniversary is up this month..........
Catherine is on a kick to go to Chuckee Cheese. I'm thinking we'll be going soon anyhow. We had an awesome time last time we went and the kids didnt forget it. Catherine has her graduation from preschool coming up soon. I cant wait.
What is Jack doing? I think of that kid and I see a blur of action shooting underneath, over and straight through me. He's full of energy. He does have a fun time and is always up to or into something. free spirit some have called him......he is cute though.

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