Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Routine" week

Its funny the things that become routine to us in a way that we know we are going to miss at a later time. For Jimmy, it was every night we used to sing him special songs before bedtime, then came Laura, Catherine, Jack and the songs got shorter and then they got older and so on. Every morning before work I take a shower and without fail, Catherine will come in and tell me she has to go pee pee. She'll sit on the other side of the shower curtain and ramble on and on and on about something of importance in her life. She was the SUPERSTAR in her class on Tuesday this week. She was so excited when she called to tell me..cute cute cute. This morning she asked me if Gary was her boyfriend. I didnt know how to answer this so I just asked her the same question. She told me to tell Gary when I saw him that she cant be his girlfriend anymore because she has lots of friends in her class. I told Gary today at work. I think he's crushed.
The next routine is hugs and kisses. Whenever I leave I yell out HUGS AND KISSES. Usually, I get Laura and Jack running at full speed and Catherine at half speed (humoring me I think). Jimmy wants to run but I think he's too cool to do that. He would still get pissed if I forget him in the ritual so I have to find him and pursue him about it. Then we get to the actual leaving of the house. At this point Jimmy runs to the window to join the others in egging me on to 'trip, trip,trip." I have to trip two or three times on my way to the car to amuse the sadistic little buggahs. For this, Jimmy even drops the wii to watch. They get a good laugh. I then wave out the window and always have Jack right up there front and center with his little hand up in the air wishing me goodbye. So many times I remember that little hand belonging to the other three and now its his turn. I always stop after backing out of the driveway and throw my fist up in the air back at them. I'm so glad they are still there waving back at me.
After work into night we make sure we all eat at the table (most nights anyhow). The kids, even Jack ask each other how their day was. Its cute actually. They are such little grownups. It goes away and the comparison to the Walton family ends there when Jack starts throwing JimBobs food everywhere.....we'll keep them though.
At night we do the tuck in. Here, its the boys versus the girls. They alternate who goes first and believe me, they remember whose turn it is. There are tears if we go out of order. The rule is, if they are in bed on time they get a book. If not, no book. We havent read too many books needless to say. Jack is the last one to bed. If we are lucky he wants to go in the back room and either watch Blues Clues or the Fire truck video. Lately, he's been passing out while watching one of them. Sometimes, we are not so lucky. He'll end up on the couch yelling for something or other or I'll put him in his bed ten to twenty times and he'll keep coming out talking about a drinkee or a belly ache that he doesnt have. The best part is after the hugs and kisses and I ask them, even jack, how much is that worth??? They say 'a billion dollars !'. awesome eh.
Every once in a while after that we'll be lucky enough to get them all in at a reasonable hour. Although not often, it usually is around 9pm when the first breath of freedom is breathed.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Her name was lola


Time is just flying by and kids are getting bigger and bigger every day. The weeks seem to fly by and the weekends certainly dont even exist. No matter what we do during the week, we have been trying to keep Sunday as family day where we all do family stuff together all day. Its a good idea but man o man, by the end of the day there are aches and pains. No matter how tired we try to get Jack, he's still a fighter come bedtime. The other kids have become somewhat better about going to sleep though. Usually, we can put Jack in front of the TV in the backyard room and he'll watch the firetruck show until breakdown time. He is just full of it still. He's either darting outside or touching the only thing in a room that you dont want him to go near. His saving grace is that he's so damn cute.

Laura has been working on her next infomercial star. Around Christmastime, Laura kept pestering us to buy Aunt Jo some grilling machine where you can cook six hamburgers at once. Then there was the snuggies blankets. She has taken it to a different level now. She's using the commercials as her sales pitch. A little while ago I was ironing my clothes before work and she starts talking to me as usual. She says "are you sick of ironing your clothes? You should really try the revolutionary system not available in stores." Then she says something about the flexible hangers. I could just only shake my head in amazement. Another time she went up to Lyn and asked her "would you like to be more organized" followed by her going into a pitch about one product or another.
Laura just had her feish the other day. She goes to her irish step classes. She does really well at it. Lately she's been a little put off about going but when she's there she really likes it. Catherine has been dying to start. Just by watching Laura she has a pretty good routine going on. Lyn and I cornered Maura the other day about teaching us how to do some stepping. Hmmm, somehow I think the lessons would turn into peanut butter balls and Bud Light.
We have a Memorial day party planned for Patricks house. Jimmy has been planning a big baseball game for months. He's had the lineup ready for quite some time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Baseball Kids and more

We have two of them playing organized baseball and the other two just bashing the breakable items around the house with some bats.
James has been just lights out in his baseball league, hitting the ball to the outfield with regularity and then fielding, starting Tuesday he'll be pitching. I might be biased but he's getting better, did I use the term 'lights out' yet. The only problem with all this is that he's still hung up on this hockey thing. We just got the email telling us that he's on a team next year and that is exciting the hell out of him. He loves hockey. I was just hoping that he'd find a sport that would start a little bitter later on in the day. Oh well.
Laura has been doing awesome with her baseball too. Last game she was out in the outfield most of the game. She gets bored a little quick and starts playing in the dirt, with her hair and then she just begins twirling for no apparent reason. It's fun to watch though. She got up at the plate the last game and got two hits. The first hit was when she swung the bat and the ball dropped two feet in front of her and just died there. The catcher didnt make too much of an effort to get to it so she was in like Flynn. Her second hit she just crushed to the shortstop.
On Mothers day we went to GF's stone at the cemetery. Jack liked to run around and explore the whole area as well as Jimmy and Catherine. Laura stayed with me at the stone and told me that we should say a prayer for GF. I told her to start and she said the 'Hail Mary'. That was Grammy Franny's favorite. After this, Laura took off her ring from her finger and put it in the dirt with just the stone sticking up. She said that its only a ring and she wanted Grammy Franny to have it. The one year anniversary is up this month..........
Catherine is on a kick to go to Chuckee Cheese. I'm thinking we'll be going soon anyhow. We had an awesome time last time we went and the kids didnt forget it. Catherine has her graduation from preschool coming up soon. I cant wait.
What is Jack doing? I think of that kid and I see a blur of action shooting underneath, over and straight through me. He's full of energy. He does have a fun time and is always up to or into something. free spirit some have called him......he is cute though.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

A return to Black Gordon

Jack loves his trains

With a heavy heart the hillbilly minivan got packed up and the crew headed out to visit Black Gordon and friends once again. It was really a day for Jack and the trains he loves so much. God it went so fast from the time we used to bring Jimmy and baby Laura to see black Gordon with Grammy Franny. Now its Jack's turn to get excited about the trains and trolley and we have to drag Jimmy kicking and screaming. After getting there and riding on the trolley, he cheered right up. Even Jimmy likes riding on the trolley though. Its relaxing and is still very fun to see all the kids who still smile for the ride.
After going through downtown for a couple of hours we headed out to the park and played baseball for a while. The big surprise was Catherine ripping the ball and then Jack getting in on the act. I was totally surprised at how well he has picked up the game. I try to correct him on how to put his feet and he actually listens. It was awesome when I was pitching to him and he hit the ball about three or four times in a row. Lyn and I raised our hands and he smiled so wide.. Just as we did this a car rode by and blew the horn cheering him on. It was Roger and his family.
Later on at night I was sitting on the couch talking with Jack about his batting. He was talking about hitting and the rain falling and he pushed his feet around and talked about his feet. We had positioned his feet and he kept talking about that. I spent alot of one on one time with him today. I think it was much needed.
We ended the day with a barbeque of hot dogs, hamburgers and kielbasa and the Bruins loss. The kids were allowed to stay up late. It was quite a day!!!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

A dream is a wish your heart makes

The girls all were so happy to finally have their dance recital. Oh the drama that forms around things like this. In the end, the gals were awesome in the dance routines. Catherine started out sitting with the other little girls and dancing around in a circle. She had such a smile on her face showing how cool she was to be up on the stage. Laura, being the older veteran showed her time on stage by doing perfect whirls and dancing in straight lines. Both were so photogenic and were once again very well behaved.
I absolutely loved watching Emily do her solo part in her dance. Erin was equally beautiful in her dancing number.
After the dance routine we all went over Joey and Jenny's house for some din din. We had to be a little late so Umple Eddie could watch the Derby, of course covering his bets by betting the sure thing, which of course he nailed. Who in their right mind could have picked the winner today. The best this horse had done in the past was a tour of the old walton mountain.
Jack once again stayed up late so he wouldnt miss anything and Jimmy had to catch as much sports he could before settling into bed. Jack has heard us trying to discipline Jimmy and now tells everyone that there will be no Red Sox, no TV if they tick him off.